I believe the reason why Javascript has so many support questions on the web is because it's not a normal language like C++, it's not a class-based language it's literally all objects and objects with properties. I believe many programmers who start out with another language may have more troubles understanding how javascript works. Where a normal class-based language is mostly compiled, Javascript is interpreted, in other words, it's read line by line and not as a whole then made into an application. Javascript works on the fly, you can literally open you're the inspector in chrome or firefox and start programming right now and watch the changes happen in your browser. When you search the web for HTML5 game engines, about 80-90% of the engines will be written in Javascript, and it is understandable why RPG Maker a 2-d engine would choose a JS based engine. The main issue with MV is that they decided to use an outdated Pixi library, v2.2.9 to be exact, and Pixi is now at v3.0. They had the choice of switching before release but did not do so, I don't believe it is the language that is the issue here it is the developers of the engine. They will be switching to Pixiv3 in the next update hopefully and it should solve a big chunk of issues, including bitmap caching but I believe it was a silly move to not wait for an updated library before release.
Considering this is the first language I've decided to really take seriously when learning I am very happy I did, I can now leave MV's codebase behind and use Pixi.js as my engine or even Phaser and know that 90% of what I learned by making plugins for MV will be transferrable to many other game engines, I can leave the confines of MV and enjoy the freedom of JS based engines, including 3-d ones. Seriously, though, if you give JS a chance, even if you only want to learn it in MV for simple things, you will be amazed at how you can simply take those skills elsewhere and start creating your own games without an editor, just pure JS.