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Fantasy vs Modern?

I'm on a bit of a fallout craze at the moment >_> (Thank Chibs for that :P)

Anyway, I was thinking how there is a division between fantasy and modern games. Games such as Fallout, you can often feel a greater relation to the main character as they tend to use things we'd moreso find in real life than a fantasy game. For instance, we might connect more with the frustration of a broken-down car than the fear of facing a giant dragon. That is probably the largest difference between Fallout and The Elder Scrolls - the storylines in TES are never really very good, but Fallout can actually have emotional moments. The best TES sidequests were in Oblivion (IMO) where you're uncovering plot twists, basically. Nearly every quest had a plot twist though.

That said, there are some fantasy games that can be related to, but many of them have quite a few modern elements. I cannot think of any pure fantasy I've emphasized with, but the ones I can think of are along the lines of Undertale. I do however, have a LOT of pure fantasy books (The Mistborn Trilogy for example) that are far more emotional.

So what conclusion I came to was that the epic fantasy I'm planning out is probably better off as a book, whilst it may be better to portray a modern era through a game. It's also probably easier to create an emotional scenario in a "modern" game due to the worldbuilding (games are more visual) and the amount of relatability we'll have in a limited interaction scenario where there are more possibilities for the player to interact. I.E: in a book, you can force the MC to ask questions but they may just run off after the first line of dialogue in the game, or they could ask even more questions.

Anyway, yeah - fantasy epic or a modern thing for a game? (Haven't yet decided on the modern thing but I am thinking fallout-lite with a totally different not-post-nuclear/vault plot)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I like either if they're done well, but I prefer a mixture of both. I like my fantasies to have some modern elements, and I like my modern games to have some fantastical elements to them. If I had to pick one, though, I think I'd go with fantasy. There's just something I like about being able to step into en entirely different world.

I think your plan for a book/game sounds good seems really well thought-out, and I know a ton of people that prefer the more modern games. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your ideas. :)
I myself prefer Modern/Sci-fi settings to Fantasy, for books, games and movies. Just something about sci-fi that makes me giddy. :)
I don't know. Part of me wants to say books are more suited to epic fantasies than video games, but I much prefer fantasy video games to fantasy books. I am really not much for elves and dwarves in my novels (Sorry, J.R.R....) Philip K. Dick's writings, though...
And while sometimes, I feel like post-apocalytia is a little overdone, I usually only feel that way when I see someone with a big budget doing it. I love indie writers, games and movies of that subject, because they seem to be a lot more inventive about how the end came about.
Good luck with your projects. I am also looking forward to your post-apocalyptic project. If only because, like I said, I am not much for fantasy. :p


I like either if they're done well, but I prefer a mixture of both. I like my fantasies to have some modern elements, and I like my modern games to have some fantastical elements to them.
Totally this^ It gives so much flexibility that way!


Dragon Goddess
I really love fantasy elements, especially dragons. anything with dragons is awesome in my book (but I want them to be my friends, not my enemies! ...I'm looking at you, skyrim)

I think you are right that modern stuff is a bit more relateable because you dont really have amazing super powers and it really gives a strong sense of "I need to survive!" that said, what immerses me in a game is almost always the companions--especially romanceable ones.

if I really like a character and I can romance him, I get so into the game and my character/her relationship with him and I imagine stuff that would happen outside of the game's story and such. often this inspires me to write my own little adventures with him xD

overall, I probably prefer fantasy. Fallout 4 is definitely one of the ONLY modern/futuristic-themed games I really enjoy. I love collecting all the junk! oh, I liked Mass Effect also.

really, it's all about the characters in my eyes... but if there's one thing that draws me to a game, it's a handsome knight! ;)

Bizarre Monkey

The division?

Well, I won't judge others for going with one or the other.

I just don't care about seamlessly doing both.

It's a big universe out there, isn't it?
With Galaxies like these...

Restrictions like that!

Can go straight to hell.
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Right now my first project is a mixture of both :)
Actually I was inspired by the setting of Final Fantasy XV. Most of the places and the outfit is something we see in our modern day earth, but still the fantasy elements are still there like magics, fantasy creatures, etc.
I think in the end, it will all be based on how well you blend the two worlds :)

and I just noticed I'm a necromancer of an old thread (confused)

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Before you start reading, I must apologize if I am not making sense, for I am under the influence of late new years drinking. lol

I have probably referenced Xenoblade Chronicles X more than anything else, but it is a nice mixture of modern and fantasy, even though it is sci-fi and the monsters are just animals on an alien planet, the fantasy is there and it is what makes the game great. You have mechanical great swords, beam sabers, sniper rifles, shields, etc.

What I like most about it is that it stays true to its setting. Even though a great sword is a weapon type, it isn't the medieval great sword we all know and love. Instead, it is mechanical and fits the style of the rest of the game, but we all know exactly what we are dealing with, and great swords are mostly associated with fantasy style games. If you are not familiar with Xenoblade, then maybe Phantasy Star Online might be a game you recognize more. Even in that game, a great sword is a giant sword infused with photon energy, despite some rare swords that do not look futuristic and more like katanas and steel great swords.

I honestly can't choose one or the other, because a modern style rpg interests me because of so many new ideas and possibilities, while fantasy style is more nostalgic, and there is nothing wrong with nostalgia.