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Battle Event Issue - Please help!

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Towns Guard
Ok, so I'm working on the next chapter of my project, and the battle at the end of the demo I released where when one of the bosses is killed then it forces the attack on Meilia ect. well.. now that I'm using a new plug in for the battle system (shown in SS) when the one boss is defeated, the second bosses event triggers for the forced attack, but the killed boss showing 0/600 health is still standing there, and proceeds to trigger HIS event for the forced when the other boss is killed thru the event triggered in the first place. The second attack targets the last character standing killing him, then dies and gives game over screen for the party being dead xD I'll post screen shots of the plugin's I have and the battle event pages below. Thanks again for any insight on what might be causing this issue.

Battle Event Issue 1.png Battle Event Issue 2.png Battle Event Issue 3.png Battle Event Issue Plugin's.png
[doublepost=1465249650,1464577097][/doublepost]I'm still having this issue if anyone is able to help shed some light on this issue?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
What exactly is your issue here, maybe write it out in point form the exact way the events are to happen, I got pretty confused reading your post, sorry lol. What I understood was that the boss dies and triggers a switch which is supposed to kill the other boss but for some reason the boss is still there?


Towns Guard
lol its ok I can understand.... I dont even understand me half the time... lemme try this..

The battle is with 2 boss monsters. The battle is evented so that when either of the bosses is defeated, the remaining boss executes a skill that takes out little girlfriend, and he is like "omg no!!! not my girl..." then he goes super sayian (not literally) and one shots remaining boss end battle, party victorious yay!

Yeah anyways, so rather then it happening like above (if it made any sense xD) the first boss (either or, doesn't matter) dies..... kinda.... his health bar is dropped to 0, but doesn't die!? He stays on the battle field as the event is triggered (from his death), then after the event (picture painted above) proceed to trigger then event AGAIN (since the main character killed the other boss), this time targeting the main character (the only character) and then the boss finally dies, and the game is thrown into game over since there is no one left alive...

And yes.... It would seem I have evented an event where everyone dies.... one by one...


Praised Adventurer
Have you tried just adding an event command to force the Knockout state on the boss that should be dead so it disappears before having the ability to activate the second set of events?


Towns Guard
Have you tried just adding an event command to force the Knockout state on the boss that should be dead so it disappears before having the ability to activate the second set of events?
@Akod Actually I have, and still have the same issue :/ Unless I just did it wrong, which is totally a possibility.


Praised Adventurer
Hmm...You could, alternatively, use a variable and conditional branches to make it so each boss' events will only run if their current HP is greater than 0.


Towns Guard
I'm honestly not to adept with the variables yet xD Might neewd you to explain how the varible would need to be set up and possible how it would interact with the event for the desired outcome? I', deff willing to learn and give it a try!


Praised Adventurer
Understandable, variables can seem a bit confusing or even overwhelming at first, so I'll try to explain what I'm talking about.

So the first thing you want to do is open up the control variable command. There will be 3 sections inside it, the first section will be which variable or variables you will be modifying. This part should be familiar, as it is the same thing that the switches use. The second section is how you are modifying the variable's current value. Each of this is tied to a mathematical function and all should be self-explanatory, except maybe the last one, labelled Mod. I can explain how this one works if you like, but for now we are going to leave it as Set. The third section is where the number we are going to use in combination with the operation we just selected, Set for us, comes from. You can choose from a number of options, but we are going to want the one labelled "Game Data".

So far, you should look something like this

Now that we are here, select the box marked "Map ID" to bring up a second popup, containing all the different options for "game data". From here, we are going to want to switch from "Other" to "Enemy". This will bring up two drop-down menus you can modify. The first is the enemy list and the second is the stat list. The stat list defaults to current HP, so that is fine where it's at, and you are going to use the enemy list to choose each boss for their corresponding troop event page.

For this popup, you should look something like this

Now that you set a variable to check the HP of an enemy, you will want to use a conditional branch to simply check the variable you used and make sure it is greater than 0. Now that we have a conditional branch that checks to make sure the boss has more than 0 HP we can put your current events within the branch, so it will only run them when the boss is alive.

Your troop page should now look something like this

Now just do the same thing for the other boss, and simply change the variable to check that boss's HP instead. And since the event pages run separately you can reuse the same variable.

I hope that made sense. If not, I can try to elaborate further.


Towns Guard
ok... so where as I have learned a good bit more about the variables, I'm still having the same problem as before, once the bosses HP reaches zero, it doesn't vanish and still triggers the event and same downward spiral of deaths one by one :c

I just realized how appropriate my signature is right now...


Praised Adventurer
Would you mind uploading a demo with the problem? It'd make finding the culprit and a solution a bit easier.


Towns Guard
I wouldn't mind at all, but last time I uploaded a demo it took drop box almost a day to upload the .rar xD

Is there a program I can use to record my screenplay?


Praised Adventurer
For screen recorders, there was a thread for this a little while back with several recommendations. All were good suggestions, with only one not being free, so take your pick.

As for your upload, it doesn't have to be a full demo. You can make a copy of your project and cut out everything that isn't necessary to reduce file size. Or is it more that your isp limits upload speed?


Towns Guard
I can do this, but its getting late now... I'm kinda tired... I'll take care of this tomorrow morning and drop a link or something to you here. Thanks for taking the time tonight to work with me on this, I do appreciate it!


Praised Adventurer
After watching your video it made me think about something; what if your issue doesn't stem directly from MV? So I did a little testing and I found that this problem is actually caused by the YEP BattleEngineCore plugin. There must an issue in the way it's written where it doesn't update the battlers before running battle events. Unfortunately, javascript isn't a language I'm familiar with, so I couldn't go as far as to find a fix, but perhaps someone else can. You could try messaging Yanfly directly and seeing if he'll update the official script (which may be a good idea to do either way), or you could try asking one of the fine coders here, such as @Soul or @Mr. Trivel for help.


Towns Guard
Awee... this disappointing... I honestly kinda felt like it might have been a plug in issue, since it used to work fine before I updated plug-ins. But I'm all around pretty new to all this so I wasn't sure... I don't even know where to begin trying to get in touch with Yanfly.. Perhaps I could get a bit more creative with the main event in the way it plays out and avoid the issue all together.
[doublepost=1465782124,1465675217][/doublepost]And I have found a solution!!! And its annoying because a fix was so simple... Essentially I was having an issue with both forced action events taking place.... So I started thinking... If the evnt that kills the girlfriend turns on a switch, then I could set both forced action events to only perform when that swithc is off

Set a conditonal branch to check if Switch 043 is turned off
Each boss get it's own event page with this conditional branch check

when either boss reaches preset condtion (in my example = Death) then it run battle event

but I turned on switch 043 at the end of the event commands for both bosses. Remember that each bosses battle event is on a conditional branch checking for that switch to be off?

Now this allows for the event to proceed as planned without triggering it a second time due to conditional branch on having a trigger off without the second bosses battle event executing due to the boss not "dissappearing" before the event takes place.

Now once the boss is defeated and the event takes out the second boss wtihout triggering the event again both bosses die at the end of the event actions!

Yay me!
[doublepost=1465782396][/doublepost]Here is a SS example
Battle Event Fix.png
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