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Badge Making Contest

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Staff member
Resource Team
Hello everyone, with all the amazing contests coming into play from our community I'm deciding to go ahead and do a badge making contest. This contest will be quite simple, make various badges you'd like to be displayed on the website.

Prizes include:
First Place: 1 year Partner + a version of your badge given to only your profile (Probably altered color as to allow us to use the original badge you made for something else, or the original badge, and use an altered version for something else)
Second Place: 3 months VIP + a participation badge

Third Place: 1 month VIP + a participation badge

ALL other badges that will be used, you will get another badge for us using your badge on the forums.

Attached to this post is also a PSD file of what I use to make the badges.

Simply upload your Badge below, or PM me it directly. This will enter you into the competition.

The deadline will be November 13th.

Some previews of our badges:
1337.png bananathon.png banner.png christmas2015.png halloween.png mascot.png


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Staff member
Resource Team
Hello everyone, with all the amazing contests coming into play from our community I'm deciding to go ahead and do a badge making contest. This contest will be quite simple, make various badges you'd like to be displayed on the website.

Prizes include:
First Place: 1 year Partner + a version of your badge given to only your profile (Probably altered color as to allow us to use the original badge you made for something else, or the original badge, and use an altered version for something else)
Second Place: 3 months VIP + a participation badge

Third Place: 1 month VIP + a participation badge

ALL other badges that will be used, you will get another badge for us using your badge on the forums.

Attached to this post is also a PSD file of what I use to make the badges.

Some previews of our badges:
View attachment 5214 View attachment 5215 View attachment 5216 View attachment 5217 View attachment 5218 View attachment 5219

Simply upload your Badge below, or PM me it directly. This will enter you into the competition.

The deadline will be November 13th.


Global Moderator
I'd like to participate, but I don't have programs that work with PSD files (that I know of, anyway). Is it possible to get the template for a different program?


i use photoshop and hubby uses gimp when i needed help in getting the chest lid at the right angle he made me a diagram in gimp that i use in Photoshop. all he had to do was save it as a psd file. i am dyslexic so sometimes things like that can be hard for me and he will make me diagrams to use so my eyes don't jump around on the screen.
[doublepost=1477881746,1477881275][/doublepost]here is his diagram for any who would like to use it. Just a simple thing but for some reason i could not line it up tell he made this for me.


I bet you can now make it yourselves just looking at it. So no credit needed. He is a wonderful husband.
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Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
I'll take part of this since I just got back and I need to brush up on some more PS CS6 skills.
This took me like 10 minutes to make which is slower than my usual times (I apologize).

It uses some of my scenery scraps for a "day / night" or "nature vs. nurture" kinda feel topped off with the letters "MV" having a nice "space / earthly " feel with a glowing horizon exterior with "Maker" in Japanese.

Enjoy and consider it my 1st entry. (blush)

P.S. The .psd file has been attached as well for people to play around with.




Theres never enough events!
Ha! Badge can looks ugly when is minimized under profile. I learned new thingy again.
Now to figure out veeery simple one, but still fancy!
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