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Ask Amy Anything


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Public restrooms are evil, I agree. A peanut allergy sounds sucky, too! D: Where do you keep your Epi-Pen?
Do you tend to carry a first aid kit? Are you clumsy like me?
- I keep one in my backpack, and one in my room. It's not just peanuts, either! I'm allergic to peanuts, all tree nuts, cats, penicillin, and then seasonal junk. xD
- Nope, I just have a lot of bandages in my room!
- Ooooh yes, I'm super clumsy :D


Global Moderator
If it makes you feel any better, I'm allergic to what my house is made of. xD *cries in corner*

Do you apologize to inanimate objects when you bump into them?
What kind of place is your home: a house? an apartment?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
What game/book character would you most relate to?

What are your thoughts on thunder and lightning?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
If it makes you feel any better, I'm allergic to what my house is made of. xD *cries in corner*

Do you apologize to inanimate objects when you bump into them?
What kind of place is your home: a house? an apartment?
Ohhhh that sounds awful >_> *hugs*
- Nope! Sometimes I'll give them a mean look, though. (devilish)
- Well, as of right now I'm bouncing between my university dorm room and my mom's house. I'm planning on getting an apartment fairly soon, though. (cheeky)

What game/book character would you most relate to?

What are your thoughts on thunder and lightning?
- Hmmm.... not sure I've really thought about that, to be honest. This random internet quiz says Sonic, though. That's not good. I don't like Sonic very much.
- I used to be super afraid of them when I was younger, but now... eh. They're just kinda there.


Global Moderator
What kind of apartment do you hope to rent?
Have you ever had your own place (rented or otherwise)? Or is this totally new to you?
What character do you wish the random quiz compared you to?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
What kind of apartment do you hope to rent?
Have you ever had your own place (rented or otherwise)? Or is this totally new to you?
What character do you wish the random quiz compared you to?
- No idea!
- It's pretty new to me - I'd only considered it for the last year or so. ^^
- Hmmm... I don't know, to be honest. (cheeky)


Global Moderator
Do you take a lot of online quizzes? Any particular kinds?
Do you know your Meyer-Briggs personality type?
What do you do when you run out of questions to ask? (I stole this from Mysiath in my thread xD)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Do you take a lot of online quizzes? Any particular kinds?
Do you know your Meyer-Briggs personality type?
What do you do when you run out of questions to ask? (I stole this from Mysiath in my thread xD)
- Nope, not really. I took a lot of random ones when I was younger, though.
- I sure do! Mine is INTJ. (cheeky)
- I start repeating old questions and hope they don't figure it out. ;D