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Ask Amy Anything


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Why did you stop wearing your glasses in the first place?
Why do you need glasses?
What color are your glasses?
- Ah, I never really meant to stop - I just kept losing them in plain sight and didn't always have time to look for them. (cheeky)

- I have glasses to help with my astigmatism. I wouldn't say I necessarily need them (I can drive and all of that just fine), but they help me avoid straining my eyes when I'm drawing or working on a computer. A lot of times corners and edges look blurry without them.

- Mine are black, with white along the top edge. (hella)


Global Moderator
I have mine for astigmatism too (and nearsightedness). I can't read without them unless it's something close to my face, but even then...Everything has a sliiight blur and hurts my head.

Do you get headaches a lot in general?
Do you prefer it when it's dark out or light out?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
If you were to receive a penguin from someone right now then would you keep it or take it to the nearest... zoo? Where would you even take a penguin in the first place. I'm questioning myself now.

How do you make your sandwich?

If you were to encounter a zombie then would which of these two weapons would you choose; Baseball bat or one of those larger kitchen knives.

What's the longest time you've drawn for without taking a break or anything and how long have you been drawing overall?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I have mine for astigmatism too (and nearsightedness). I can't read without them unless it's something close to my face, but even then...Everything has a sliiight blur and hurts my head.

Do you get headaches a lot in general?
Do you prefer it when it's dark out or light out?
- I used to have pretty intense headaches every day, but that hasn't been an issue for years. I have a few minor headaches most weeks, but it's never anything I can't manage.
- I prefer it when it's dark out. I usually take walks and all of that when it's either very early in the morning or pretty late in the evening because of that.

If you were to receive a penguin from someone right now then would you keep it or take it to the nearest... zoo? Where would you even take a penguin in the first place. I'm questioning myself now.

How do you make your sandwich?

If you were to encounter a zombie then would which of these two weapons would you choose; Baseball bat or one of those larger kitchen knives.

What's the longest time you've drawn for without taking a break or anything and how long have you been drawing overall?
- I'm boring, so I'd take it to the zoo pretty close to me. They just built a penguin area a couple of years ago. :D
- Most times I go with lettuce, ham, tomato, and a slice or two of cheese. Pretty basic.
- Baseball bat. I like knives plenty, but I think a bat would be more efficient to mess with their brains.
- Mmmm..... Probably around 6-7 hours. I kind of zone out when I have headphones in. That second part is kind of a difficult question, since I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. I didn't take a formal drawing class until about 4 years ago.


Global Moderator
How are you so patient that you can draw for 6-7 hours straight? I can barely SIT for an hour straight without losing it. *no attention span*
Did you make the snail in your signature? It's adorable, so I'm curious.
Why is there a snail in your signature, anyway?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
How are you so patient that you can draw for 6-7 hours straight? I can barely SIT for an hour straight without losing it. *no attention span*
Did you make the snail in your signature? It's adorable, so I'm curious.
Why is there a snail in your signature, anyway?
- I have no idea, lol! I just really get into working on some drawings. Like, uh... I've been continuing to redraw the MV generator today, and I've spent a good 4 hours just drawing face parts lol. I do get up and walk around while I draw, though. I think it helps that I'm not sitting in place the whole time.
- Nope! My friend Eien actually made it for me, and I love it. (heart)
- Snails are like... #2 out of my favorite animals, so he made me one. I put it here since I didn't know what else to do with it. (cheeky)


Global Moderator
Do you have a lot of fellow artists as friends? (I think it's awesome if/that you do!)
What do you mean you're redrawing the MV generator? I'm confused.
What are your top 3 animals, now that I know number 2 (and generally number 1 I'm sure I do)?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Do you have a lot of fellow artists as friends? (I think it's awesome if/that you do!)
What do you mean you're redrawing the MV generator? I'm confused.
What are your top 3 animals, now that I know number 2 (and generally number 1 I'm sure I do)?
- I sure do! Both irl and online. (cheeky)
- Ah, I'm drawing all of the parts in the same style as my recent character art. Here are some examples:

- Haha - in order they are: Dinosaurs, snails, and whales. (cat)


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
What would you say is your most eaten food this year?

Do you have favorite vegetables that you like to eat? (Without putting it in anything and so.)

Do you start drawing with a plan or do you just go and see how it goes?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
What would you say is your most eaten food this year?

Do you have favorite vegetables that you like to eat? (Without putting it in anything and so.)

Do you start drawing with a plan or do you just go and see how it goes?
- Ummm... probably either sandwiches or salads. I have them for lunch and dinner almost every day at uni.

- Broccoli and carrots~

- Mmm.. I usually have some sort of idea of what I want (like a theme or type of character), but other than that I just start drawing and see what happens.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Would you like to pet your favorite animals in general if you could?
What's your favorite fruit?
Do you like brussel sprouts?
- Hmmm... Whales and snails? Sure. Dinosaurs.... Well, that might be a wee bit dangerous! (cheeky)
- Peaches!
- Not really. It's more of a texture thing than not liking the taste.


Global Moderator
What's your favorite party game?
Have you heard of the party game "Coke or Pepsi"?
Which do you actually prefer in terms of soda?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
What's your favorite party game?
Have you heard of the party game "Coke or Pepsi"?
Which do you actually prefer in terms of soda?
- HMMM.... I don't really do party games, to be honest. I'm usually a movie night kind of gal. At parties I throw, what we usually do is pick a video game and have each person play until they fail/lose a life, then switch off. Last time it was one of the newer Tomb Raider games. (cheeky)
- Nope, I sure haven't!
- I typically don't drink soda (I stopped having it regularly around 8-9 years ago), but sometimes I'll have a root beer float or something.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
What kind of ice cream do you like?
I'm not big on party games either...but I'm also not big on parties. Do you like parties?
- Hmm.... I'd have to say mint chocolate chip is my favorite!
- Ehh... kind of... If I know most of the people there, and there aren't too many cheesy party games, then yes.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
What is your favorite/least favorite place to be?
Favorite/least favorite foods?

Sorry if already asked
Oh, no worries! I'm sure I won't remember if I've been asked something before. (cheeky)

- Hmmm. I don't know if I really have a favorite place, to be honest. I guess there's an art museum not too far from here I like to hang out at a lot. There's no admission fee to get in, so I'll go there and sketch, or have a picnic with friends in the outdoor area. As for my least favorite place... basically any public restroom. They are the stuff of nightmares.

- If we're talking favorite meals or something, I'd say sushi. If we're talking fruits/vegetables, then definitely peaches. As for least favorite... well, I'm gonna go with peanuts. Mind you, I'm allergic to them, so I don't remember what they taste like at all. (snicker)


Global Moderator
Public restrooms are evil, I agree. A peanut allergy sounds sucky, too! D: Where do you keep your Epi-Pen?
Do you tend to carry a first aid kit? Are you clumsy like me?