A screenshot of your Android studio with the errors would be handy (and the project tree expanded on the left to see that all the files are there).
This error suggests that some files have disappeared or perhaps the wrong configuration is selected (although a missing package suggests you're missing an entire folder). Make sure you've got one of the debug configurations selected (Crosswalk Debug or WebView Debug). You should see the PlayerHelper.java file in the project navigation tree on the left.
To be honest, it really surprised me that people are getting errors at all with this tutorial, it's incredibly rock-solid and vanilla (tested on Windows, Mac, Linux from fresh, new, beta, everything), the guide doesn't rely on anything except for the Android Studio tools (dead simple, needs 1 thing and it's the official Android tool), so it really confuses me when people have problems. 90% of the time it turns out they didn't follow the guide by-the-letter, decided to skip some steps (which is a big no-no with anything computer related) or didn't check the screenshots to make sure they are in the right area. Even had about 8 people get errors because they decided to turn off their internet when downloading the required libraries for Android... Doesn't matter how plain and simple a tutorial is, people will manage to get something wrong.
But sometimes there's errors I really can't explain. I'm hoping yours is something that went wrong rather than something that can't be explained.
What I would love to do is make a web-tool where people can select their projects from a website and then simply download the APK and automatically insert their project files into the APK; at the end of the day an Android APK is a zip file and this tutorial is just changing the "assets" folder inside that zip to contain your project, so it's totally possible, just needs a lot of development.
This error suggests that some files have disappeared or perhaps the wrong configuration is selected (although a missing package suggests you're missing an entire folder). Make sure you've got one of the debug configurations selected (Crosswalk Debug or WebView Debug). You should see the PlayerHelper.java file in the project navigation tree on the left.
To be honest, it really surprised me that people are getting errors at all with this tutorial, it's incredibly rock-solid and vanilla (tested on Windows, Mac, Linux from fresh, new, beta, everything), the guide doesn't rely on anything except for the Android Studio tools (dead simple, needs 1 thing and it's the official Android tool), so it really confuses me when people have problems. 90% of the time it turns out they didn't follow the guide by-the-letter, decided to skip some steps (which is a big no-no with anything computer related) or didn't check the screenshots to make sure they are in the right area. Even had about 8 people get errors because they decided to turn off their internet when downloading the required libraries for Android... Doesn't matter how plain and simple a tutorial is, people will manage to get something wrong.
But sometimes there's errors I really can't explain. I'm hoping yours is something that went wrong rather than something that can't be explained.
What I would love to do is make a web-tool where people can select their projects from a website and then simply download the APK and automatically insert their project files into the APK; at the end of the day an Android APK is a zip file and this tutorial is just changing the "assets" folder inside that zip to contain your project, so it's totally possible, just needs a lot of development.