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Android RPG Maker MV Guide


Okay, I started from scratch with the zip download this time to try to get the build.gradle(module) to show up in android studio but now it says there is NOTHING to show
You need to open the extracted project attached to the first post in this thread. The folder you've tried to open is not an Android Studio project.


Go ahead, but please link back to this thread and state that it is a translation of this guide by Xilefian. You can re-host the project download, but keep in mind that I do update it so your guide may become out of date after I update the project.
Sorry,I didn't check this in time...
Thank you,I will link back to this thread and state that it is a translation of this guide by Xilefian.But I couldn't translate soon because my summer holiday is over.But I will reply you when I translate this guide.
Thank you again.


Hey, thank you for that guide, everything worked fine and my game is running. But there is one thing you could help me with. When I'm using the back button the app always asks me if I want to close it. How can I change the behavior of the back button to open the game menu and also take me on every push one step back in the menu till it closes it again.

Thank you for any help you can give me


Hey, thank you for that guide, everything worked fine and my game is running. But there is one thing you could help me with. When I'm using the back button the app always asks me if I want to close it. How can I change the behavior of the back button to open the game menu and also take me on every push one step back in the menu till it closes it again.

Thank you for any help you can give me
You'll need to change the Java code a fair amount.

It should be obvious where in the Java code the back-button logic is handled (look for onBackButtonPressed). You have a couple of options here, you can either send the "Esc" key to the runtime and let RPG Maker MV handle it (which gives you the behaviour you want) or you could use evaluateJavascript and directly call some MV Javascript, where you can probably send the "Back" input command through Javascript.

When I eventually get some time I'll consider implementing the behaviour you want as an option, but that won't be for another month - at the very least.


Hi guys and hi Xilefian,

I've tried your way to build an apk, and it works good, but i have a huge problem while playing.
The tileset graphic is all fked up, and i really don't know why, and ONLY the tileset graphics, the images shown with show image command are perfect as the title. (Android 7.0)
Also on android 4.4.4 the game start then the screen turn black, still can play and touch the commands, also audio works, but the screen just still stay black.
Do anyone had those problems?


Hi guys and hi Xilefian,

I've tried your way to build an apk, and it works good, but i have a huge problem while playing.
The tileset graphic is all fked up, and i really don't know why, and ONLY the tileset graphics, the images shown with show image command are perfect as the title. (Android 7.0)
Also on android 4.4.4 the game start then the screen turn black, still can play and touch the commands, also audio works, but the screen just still stay black.
Do anyone had those problems?
What device is this on?

In the future for people reporting problems, please tell me what device it is as well as the Android version number and what country the device is from, for example: Samsung Galaxy S8 Android 7.0 (China)

This is because there are known issues with certain devices and I can't do anything to fix these issues. Mali GPUs have historically caused me problems related to mip-mapping and texture bleeding (causing problems like "f**ked up tile-sets") - and unfortunately some manufacturers like Samsung use different GPUs depending on what country you bought the device from.

As another example; Samsung S8 devices outside of USA and China use Mali GPUs, which are some of the worst GPUs you can possible find for Android hardware (right now). Samsung S8 devices bought in USA/China use Adreno, which are okay GPUs (not amazing, but Android GPUs in general suck anyway).


What device is this on?

In the future for people reporting problems, please tell me what device it is as well as the Android version number and what country the device is from, for example: Samsung Galaxy S8 Android 7.0 (China)

This is because there are known issues with certain devices and I can't do anything to fix these issues. Mali GPUs have historically caused me problems related to mip-mapping and texture bleeding (causing problems like "f**ked up tile-sets") - and unfortunately some manufacturers like Samsung use different GPUs depending on what country you bought the device from.

As another example; Samsung S8 devices outside of USA and China use Mali GPUs, which are some of the worst GPUs you can possible find for Android hardware (right now). Samsung S8 devices bought in USA/China use Adreno, which are okay GPUs (not amazing, but Android GPUs in general suck anyway).
Thanks for the Reply, my device is a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge with android 7.0.0, country Italy so i think it's the european version.
And the other one is a Samsung Galaxy Grand NEO android 4.4.4, also Italy.


Sorry then, both those devices have the bad Mali GPUs, the tile-set problem is from the phone and I don't have the time at the moment to try and write a work-around case. If you can disable linear filtering, texture wrapping and mipmapping from inside RPG Maker MV (Javascript) then you can fix it yourself, it would be easier than me fixing it.

The black screen is something I haven't seen before. Does it work with the CrossWalk mode?


Sorry then, both those devices have the bad Mali GPUs, the tile-set problem is from the phone and I don't have the time at the moment to try and write a work-around case. If you can disable linear filtering, texture wrapping and mipmapping from inside RPG Maker MV (Javascript) then you can fix it yourself, it would be easier than me fixing it.

The black screen is something I haven't seen before. Does it work with the CrossWalk mode?
I think the problem is in the method, beacouse in the crosswalk method (the old one) i don't have any kind of problem with the graphic and black screens, so i can't understand what is causing that problem.

Also the black screen is a strange problem, beacouse if i reduce the app and then open it again, the screen show up for 1-2 secs and then turn black again, but everything is working D:


I think the problem is in the method, beacouse in the crosswalk method (the old one) i don't have any kind of problem with the graphic and black screens, so i can't understand what is causing that problem.
The old Crosswalk had some hacky fixes in to solve the problem. The problem is definitely not the method, if it was the method then I wouldn't be seeing the problem in other projects - even those unrelated to RPG Maker MV - and GPU developers across the planet wouldn't also complain about the same problems.

I don't have the time (right now) to implement the kind of fixes the old Crosswalk does to solve the Mali GPU issues (old Crosswalk has many GPU-specific hacks and fixes that Intel built to solve these problems). I might have time one day, but there's a lot of work to do. If anyone is willing to pay for my time, then I can investigate it.

Also; the method used is the phone's web-browser or Crosswalk. I'm not doing anything special here; if the problem is the method, then complain to Google, Samsung or Intel about their web-browser. The fact that the issue happens on both non-Crosswalk and Crosswalk modes shows it's not an issue with the method, but an issue with the device GPU (and again, this is an issue that myself and many in the GPU development community have known about for many years).


The old Crosswalk had some hacky fixes in to solve the problem. The problem is definitely not the method, if it was the method then I wouldn't be seeing the problem in other projects - even those unrelated to RPG Maker MV - and GPU developers across the planet wouldn't also complain about the same problems.

I don't have the time (right now) to implement the kind of fixes the old Crosswalk does to solve the Mali GPU issues (old Crosswalk has many GPU-specific hacks and fixes that Intel built to solve these problems). I might have time one day, but there's a lot of work to do. If anyone is willing to pay for my time, then I can investigate it.

Also; the method used is the phone's web-browser or Crosswalk. I'm not doing anything special here; if the problem is the method, then complain to Google, Samsung or Intel about their web-browser. The fact that the issue happens on both non-Crosswalk and Crosswalk modes shows it's not an issue with the method, but an issue with the device GPU (and again, this is an issue that myself and many in the GPU development community have known about for many years).
Hey hey, i'm absolutely not complaining at you for your method, in fact, your's is the only 1 updated method outta here.
You explained everything well, understood.
Well, i hope there is a way to fix that beacouse it's impossible to think to develope an app for android users if half of the devices are not supported or have problems.

But i know also that is hard work to solve all kind of problems, and since i'm not so skilled in this type of things i will not ask for a solution.
I just hope in the next months there will be good news out here for apk deploy :)


Well, i hope there is a way to fix that beacouse it's impossible to think to develope an app for android users if half of the devices are not supported or have problems.
From the stats I have access to, it's even more than "half of the devices", unfortunately - which makes the problem a high priority for me to hack a fix for, but I don't have the time or budget for such an expensive endeavour.

I'm always looking for sponsors to help development, but right now your best bet is to modify RPG Maker MV's Javascript rather than wait for me.


So I started from the beginning again and got the project open but the build.gradle (module) is not there.
This could also be another case of you selecting the wrong folder to open, you absolutely must not ignore the list of files shown here:

See that the "android" folder is selected, not "android_104", and see that app, gradle, .gitignore, build.gradle,, gradlew, gradlew.bat, settings.gradle are visible inside the selected folder, this is critical to make sure you're looking at the correct project folder.

Could also be related to that "Failed to find target with has string" error. Did you remember to follow Step 2 where the Android SDK 25 is installed?

You can also check if the file is missing, look inside the app folder in the android_104 project and you should see "build.gradle".


that is the exact drop down menu I see when loading the file, build.gradle is within the app folder but yet again no (module) within android studios. I had been using SDK26 but before trying this time around loaded the SDK 25. The error message I get at the bottom has changed but nothing else has.


If you notice, everything is there except the required (module)


that is the exact drop down menu I see when loading the file, build.gradle is within the app folder but yet again no (module) within android studios. I had been using SDK26 but before trying this time around loaded the SDK 25. The error message I get at the bottom has changed but nothing else has.

If you notice, everything is there except the required (module)
Could you please open up the build.gradle (Project: android) file? If you followed Step 2 then the Build Tools should be installed, so it's strange that you're getting that error.

Also, could you please expand the android folder in that list so I can verify you've got everything in there?

EDIT: That android folder shouldn't say android, it should say app, I'm still convinced you're opening the wrong folder. Did you rename anything?


So when I am opening the project I get to here. If i read the directions right I then click android and open. At least that is what I have been doing.


Here is the expanded file


After updating android studios I no longer get the error at the bottom but I still don't have the (module) gradle

EDIT: The module is there now, a delayed response to updating. Will go ahead and try the rest. THANKS for your quick replies, you are wonderfully patient individual. :)
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Okay, you've convinced me that you've done everything correctly.

I think you just need to solve those Gradle errors at the bottom. Did you definitely install the Build Tools from Step 2? This error appears if you haven't installed the latest available Build Tools. Make sure Platform Tools is also installed.

Please show a screenshot of your Step 2 SDK Tools tab so we can verify you've got everything you need.


here is the step 2 sdk tools screenshot you asked for.


I don't have all you have, but i do have the 7.1.1

Okay so when the apk is created it ends up almost 30% larger then when I use the method rpg maker mv gave us. Why is that? I only ask because if I ever want to publish on google play it needs to be under 100mb unless I split it, which I'd rather not do, and using the original method it was 97mb and now is 112


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