Indie Dev

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An Encouraged Introduction


I'm told that my account setup is incomplete without introducing myself and I hate leaving things unfinished, so hello!

I'm very new to the world of RPG creation, but have been playing RPGs since I can remember (oh, the 90s were a blessed time). I have a special place in my heart for SNES games and have fond memories of playing Final Fantasy II & III (most would know them as IV and VI, respectively), Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Earthbound, and many others.

I can remember being told about RPG maker back in 2003 and thinking it was the coolest thing I'd ever heard of. I was sadly never able to use it, but was always fascinated with the idea of creating my own video game. I have doubts about my own writing abilities, however, and am completely clueless when it comes to coding. I'm using the trial version of MV and I like that it's quite user friendly, so I'm not terribly intimidated as of yet. The other thing I am worried about is customization. The last thing I want is to create another cookie cutter RPG. And so I find myself here.

I hope to pick up a lot of tips during my stay, and I look forward to getting to know all of you. (cat)


Staff member
Hi Lorelei. Is that name from Gilmore Girls? Welcome to our fun forums. I am glad you added so much more to the thread. My initial major gaming days was the decade before yours. I hope you are here for a long time. Your imagination will lead to an awesome original game.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Oh no! It's the infamous siren that sits upon the rocks at the Rhine river and lures innocent sailors into the sharp rocks of the cliffs! It's @Lorelei! Good taste in usernames I see. I like that. :3
Anyway, let me welcome you to the forum where there's no "envy" only "MV". Don't you worry about your... uhm... worries, we got you covered. There's a whole bunch of good writers and artists on here who will gladly help you in creating a unique game. And if you need some music, there's also a few of us musicians on here, too. If you need out help, you'll get our help. ^_^


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Oh no! It's one of my favorite members of the Elite Four! (What? She has a nice design. Good color choices.)

I love your taste in RPGs, and that's great that you want to come up with a more original kind of game. If you haven't made a first project yet, I will say that sometimes making a very simple game is the best approach to get used to the program. If you need any help with finding original resources, you've come to the right place! We've got many many talented creators here, and there will always be someone ready to help you out. (cheeky)


I never realized how very popular my name was! It's actually my birth name, and though I do hear the Gilmore Girls reference all the time (my husband's name is Christopher, to boot) I had to look up the Elite Four reference. My Pokémon years only took me as far as the first movie, I'm afraid. I also do love the tale of the Siren, however my namesake is actually Marilyn Monroe's character from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. My mother was a fan.

@Amysaurus My plan at the moment is to create something short and sweet, but the more I build, the more detail I want to add. I can't tell if it's a blessing or a curse. But that is excellent advice. I'm going to try to remember to keep it small so that I can get used to the program first. I'm trying to figure out parameters right now, but I get distracted by all the pretty maps and character generators.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I completely understand - sometimes the most difficult thing is to force yourself to keep to the basics. (cheeky)

Think of it this way - your first project is for learning the engine, and the following projects are for showing off what you learned how to do. A lot of people have the problem of trying to make their dream game the first time around, and sometimes that first negative feedback or bump in the road burns them out on the idea completely. The pretty maps and generators are great to play around with, lol! Even a first project deserves some awesome graphics!


I never even thought of it that way. And I love making lists, if only so that I can cross things off of them, so focusing on stuff as mini projects is a fantastic plan. Thank you! That is some solid advice! That's probably why you're on staff. (glee)

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow

I too, have the same problem (curse?) as you - I really want (need) to make a short and sweet game but the more I develop it, the more ambitious my ideas get. XD
I wish you good luck on your project, I look forward to seeing it if you ever post it here!

Heh, I understood that Elite Four reference. Although I have forgotten how she looked like...

Also, Amy's advice is solid advice because she's Amy. Everyone knows. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I think I need someone to call me every half an hour to ask me if I'm focusing on development or if I'm screwing around with sprites. That might help. (snicker)

Do you have anything completed, @Eien Nanashi? Or are you still working on your first game?


Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
welcome to the forums Lorelei, you will find many peoples here if you have any problems with MV, and many resources, be it Plugins , graphics and many musicians who can help you with free source music :) Can't wait to see what you produce, I too am making a game, i only finished one game and it was made in a week for a indie contest hehe Which i am remaking in MV

David Lister

Welcome, Lorelei. Your taste in the RPG's is impeccable!! Those early 90's certainly kept us busy with great stories and wonderful music from Square's composers on the SNES. <sigh> I hope you find inspiring resources and encouragement here to finish your first project.


Thank you for the welcomes! I am excited to take a trip over to the "Feedback, Suggestions, and Help" section when I get going a little more, as well as the "Projects Under Development" forum. I'd like to not only find out what others think of my work, but see what others are producing with this program.

I'm really excited to have stumbled on this place. I love that so many creative minds have gathered in one spot to pool their resources and make great things!

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
I think I need someone to call me every half an hour to ask me if I'm focusing on development or if I'm screwing around with sprites. That might help. (snicker)
I think I need someone to call me every 15 minutes to ask me if I'm working or if I'm procrastinating.
But I'd just say the latter and continue doing it, anyway. XD

Do you have anything completed, @Eien Nanashi? Or are you still working on your first game?
That's odd, you don't usually put "Eien" and "completed" in the same sentence unless "nothing" is directly next to the word "completed". (tongue)

In terms of a game project, I don't have anything completed. What's worse is that I'm not even working on my first game. XD
Screwing around with sprites would be at least useful once you mess around enough, but I don't even do that...
Just pure, unproductive procrastination. Unrelated to game-related development of anything.

But still, perhaps soon enough I'll get an idea.
Let's just hope one day we'll see each other's finished first projects. :D
Anyhow, good luck in the development of your game!


As for games... I'm creating one. Not an RPG though! (ALthough I DO have a legit RPG in the works...)
One thing I do that I love is music; here's the soundtrack to said non-RPG.
I haven't yet opened a project thread yet (in fear of what people might think... although I really should!)

Also, I'm one of three major composer/musicians here: the other two are @Kaimen and @David Lister :D
I'd still like to see what it is, no matter the type of game. I like pretty much all games, really. Though, if you're keeping it under your hat, I understand. Like you, I'm sort of playing with the idea of not releasing any information about my game until it's completed because I don't want any expectations.

I've also been a huge fan of RPG music for a long time. Nobuo Uematsu is a genius and I've loved a lot of his tracks from the earliest of his tunes (I still can't believe he banged out the Crystal Theme that's reused in all FF games in about five minutes) to the more "recent" ones - You're Not Alone from FFIX being among my favourites.

And even if you're not releasing your game, I would like to hear some of your music. I'm actually listening to @David Lister's Soundcloud as we speak. (jolly) I'll definitely check out your stuff a little bit later. I've always found that music is a wonderful way to draw inspiration when creating.

I think I need someone to call me every 15 minutes to ask me if I'm working or if I'm procrastinating.
But I'd just say the latter and continue doing it, anyway. XD
ahahaha I think I might be the same way. I'm sitting here with about 15 tabs open and only two of them are RM related. I'm horrible.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Oh, I plan to release alright. :D I'll PM you the thread link once I'm done!

Oh.. I forgot! There's Jacob aka Drassray! I don't know what his name here is, though...
The fourth of the elite four of composers :D


Dragon Goddess
Hey there, welcome aboard! ^_^ glad you have you here~ it's rare to see a Secret of Mana fan.

Have you played SoM3 and Legend of Mana as well? two of my favorite games ever!


Hey there, welcome aboard! ^_^ glad you have you here~ it's rare to see a Secret of Mana fan.

Have you played SoM3 and Legend of Mana as well? two of my favorite games ever!

Hi there! I have vague memories of playing SoM3 (which I assume is Seiken Densetsu 3), but I don't think I played it a lot. Probably only a few hours of game time. However, I very much love Legend of Mana. I think I've played that game several times through. I got a friend so hooked on that game that he named his kitty Mana. (joyful)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hello and welcome to the forums ^^ sorry for me being late (again) I'm always late. I know a lot of people who love Secret of Mana but never played it myself tho. Therefore, I've played Final Fantasy III and Earthbound but never finished them. But the games were awesome.(cry) Anyways glad to see you here and feel free to ask the community if you have any questions or need help with storywriting, arts, etc. Have a nice time around the forums and see you around~