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A wild campaign thread appeared! (Jackus)

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[Insert Member Title]
A member of the forum is focused on politics, religion, ect... but it is their own opinion... however their posts have people mixed with their own beliefs and has been upsetting a few of the other members for making the forum awkward. How would you handle this situation even though they aren't technically breaking any rules?
If it has been made clear that there are members who feel uncomfortable about this (Like if they state that in a message or report or whatever) then I would kindly ask the member to stop saying things which make members uncomfortable. Nobody should be in that position, whether or not it's a rule (Although I think it should be). If this discussion continues to happen (The religion and politics one) then like with the other scenario I would ask them to take it to a PM where there aren't any people who feel uncormfortable.
However since this isn't an official rule I wouldn't take warn action unless a higher up says so. (Like an Admin).

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
How would you handle mod hate? Supposing some members don't think you're able to do your job. Supposing you caught wind of that, whether out of or IN the forums. These members are simply stating their opinions without breaking rules. No other mod or admin has taken action against the member(s).

How would you handle this situation?


[Insert Member Title]
How would you handle mod hate? Supposing some members don't think you're able to do your job. Supposing you caught wind of that, whether out of or IN the forums. These members are simply stating their opinions without breaking rules. No other mod or admin has taken action against the member(s).

How would you handle this situation?
What exactly are they doing?
Are they just spreading rumours like "Jackus is a hopeless moderator"?

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
What exactly are they doing?
Are they just spreading rumours like "Jackus is a hopeless moderator"?
More like "(INSERT PERSON HERE) isn't a good mod..." And don't worry, I presented the same question to EVERY candidate. AS a mod, we will have those who just don't like us because we're moderators. It's unavoidable. :)


Studious Dark Lord
@Jackus that was a really good response to that question! How about this:
There is a major issue in the forum; however, not many members have seemed to notice it yet. There are a few ways that could resolve the issue, but no one seems to take the issue seriously because it's not detrimental at the moment... but will cause a lot of problems later on. How would you bring about a way to resolve this issue that only a few people seemed to have noticed.​


[Insert Member Title]
More like "Jackus isn't a good mod..." And don't worry, I presented the same question to EVERY candidate. AS a mod, we will have those who just don't like us because we're moderators. It's unavoidable. :)
In that case.. I would aproach the person myself and ask why they are saying these things. Is it something I did? If they're not breaking rules then I would pursue this myself and try to get to the bottom of this hate. If it just turns out to be blinded hate for no reason, then I would ignore it. Until they start to openly insult me on the forums (If they even do) and that would be the point where you take action.
I don't mind if someone doesn't like me, but i'd like to know why and if there is no legit reason then i'll just ignore them.

There is a major issue in the forum; however, not many members have seemed to notice it yet. There are a few ways that could resolve the issue, but no one seems to take the issue seriously because it's not detrimental at the moment... but will cause a lot of problems later on. How would you bring about a way to resolve this issue that only a few people seemed to have noticed.
I would work together with those few people to investigate the source of the issue and see if there is a way to fix it without affecting people with no issues. If such a method is not available then I will weigh up the pros and cons of doing this and what effect it will have on theregular users.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
What is your daily schedule like?
I'm not looking for the small details, more like, current job hours per day, music making hours, game dev hours, Resource team hours, etc etc. I would like to know what the "mod to be" day is filled with, it will be nice to see how much time can be truly dedicated to the community.

Another question related to previous one.

What is the priority you have for your schedule?
Now most people will obviously say, your real life job is #1 priority, and it should be, but after that, how do you like to prioritize everything else on your schedule, is it random, or do you do it the same everyday.

Now if you become a moderator, how will you prioritize your schedule?

Now for a bit of fun. I want to see a general PM you would make to a member. A rule has been broken, lets pick rule #1, it has been broken by a member and now you need to PM them letting them know the rule was broken. Let us see it (cheeky)

That should be good for now, may not be the best questions but I'm saving those ones for later .


Studious Dark Lord
A family emergency happens and you have to be away from the forums for awhile, what are the exact steps you'd take to let everyone know that you'll have to be away for awhile?

The family emergency takes longer than expected, but you only have a limited time online. Where is the one place you'd post?


[Insert Member Title]
What is your daily schedule like?
I'm not looking for the small details, more like, current job hours per day, music making hours, game dev hours, Resource team hours, etc etc. I would like to know what the "mod to be" day is filled with, it will be nice to see how much time can be truly dedicated to the community.
I don't really have a schedule per-se, but I do have a list of priorities. Namely, when i'm home from school I will check the RM forums until i'm sure it's settled down enough, then settle down to work on my project checking my alerts every now and then. Welp, it's 7PM and i'm still here lol. That's a great example of how when something important is going on I will stick around to see it through.
And of this spare time, on weekdays I have *calculates* around 6-7 hours and on weekends it's like 12 lol.

What is the priority you have for your schedule?
Now most people will obviously say, your real life job is #1 priority, and it should be, but after that, how do you like to prioritize everything else on your schedule, is it random, or do you do it the same everyday.
I already answered that in the first question :)

Now if you become a moderator, how will you prioritize your schedule?
Well this site would rise to the top of the list and I would check a lot more on it and spend a ton more free time on here.

Now for a bit of fun. I want to see a general PM you would make to a member. A rule has been broken, lets pick rule #1, it has been broken by a member and now you need to PM them letting them know the rule was broken. Let us see it (cheeky)
Alright. Let's go.
Hello [Name]
Your post break Rule #1 of the forums, specifically "Posting short 1-2 word responses that do not add to the discussion."
You can view the forum rules here (smile)

Please make sure you don't make the same mistake next time (smile)

A family emergency happens and you have to be away from the forums for awhile, what are the exact steps you'd take to let everyone know that you'll have to be away for awhile?
What I would do is post in the forums somewhere (Maybe in a status update if it's short.) saying that due to unavoidable RL problems, I have to leave for a while :(

The family emergency takes longer than expected, but you only have a limited time online. Where is the one place you'd post?
On the place I said I was leaving for a while, I would say that due to complications, I have to be gone for much longer than expected and i'll be back online as soon as I can!


Praised Adventurer
Here's something that happened to me back when I was staff on I'd like to see how you handle it.
A member contacts you stating there is a game hosted on the site that contains something s/he finds to be offensive. What is offending him/her is not violating any rules and the game thread has a clear warning stating that it contains said potentially "offensive" references/material. You explain this to them, but they keep insisting on you taking some form of action about it. How would you go about diffusing the situation?


[Insert Member Title]
Here's something that happened to me back when I was staff on I'd like to see how you handle it.
A member contacts you stating there is a game hosted on the site that contains something s/he finds to be offensive. What is offending him/her is not violating any rules and the game thread has a clear warning stating that it contains said potentially "offensive" references/material. You explain this to them, but they keep insisting on you taking some form of action about it. How would you go about diffusing the situation?
First of all I would state clearly that the game contains adequate warning, so it is perfectly fine being up there. If they don't want to see it, then don't look past the warning.
Then when they keep insisting.. eventually it will reach the point where they will start to harrass me or another member of staff because they feel they are justified. At which point you tell them to drop it or we will have to take action against them.
And if they continue then wel...
2. No flaming/harassing other members.
As much as I would hate to do it, they reach the point where they would be actually breaking forums rules, in which case appropriate action would have to be taken. Perhaps a warning will make them drop it. If not then well.. things get more serious. My point is, they've had enough of a warning, so it's their own fault if they get in trouble.

And that. Is the end of that. Of course understand that if I know the individual person I may be able to persuade them more convincingly but in this scenario i'm assuming it's a total stranger.


Praised Adventurer
Not a bad answer. I'd say you handled it pretty well, can't please everyone. Now, if you were in the same scenario, but this time it happened to be your game someone found offensive and they were requesting you to take it down, how would your actions differ?


[Insert Member Title]
Not a bad answer. I'd say you handled it pretty well, can't please everyone. Now, if you were in the same scenario, but this time it happened to be your game someone found offensive and they were requesting you to take it down, how would your actions differ?
Well then I would.... *thinks* do exactly the same thing I guess. Not much changes.
Does that answer your question?


Praised Adventurer
Yep, that works just fine. I was just curious to see if you would ask another mod/admin to handle it due to personal involvement in the member's issue or if you would still attempt to resolve it yourself. =)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
> A member is obviously angry with you, but is very passive-aggressive about it over the forums. None of their posts look mean/angry to other users or staff members, however. What do you do to resolve this?

> Rank these in order of importance (as they apply to this forum), and explain your reasoning: greeting members, following rules, keeping active, participating in events. I won’t accept an answer of “all are equally important”, however, you can explain to me why you think they should or should not be.

> A member starts hijacking a thread with their own questions and ideas - what do you do, and how?

> A member goes off into an off-topic tangent, but makes one relevant comment at the bottom of their post. How do you respond to this?

> A member keeps typing in ALL CAPS or 1337 5p34k, and members are starting to complain. What do you do, and how?

> A member is obviously responding to several posts just to up their post count, but their posts aren’t technically spam. How do you respond to this?

> You find out that some members are saying nasty things about you over IM. What do you do about this?

> You notice that an RT member isn’t being very friendly, but is still submitting their work on time. At what point do you contact their team leader with your concerns?

> What do you do to help a member who speaks very little English?

> BONUS: What is my favorite dinosaur? Note: I honestly don’t remember if you can find this information on the forum.


Studious Dark Lord
A member who has been known to be a troublemaker has gotten everyone stirred up, but overall he is correct with what he's saying. However he has been coming across as a jerk and no one is seeming to listen to him about something important. Will you side with him and risk looking like a bad mod, side with everyone else and cause yourself to look better, or try to find a solution to have everyone understand his side of the situation while trying to have him calm down because of the rude way he speaks but having the possibility that both parties won't take you seriously.


[Insert Member Title]
> A member is obviously angry with you, but is very passive-aggressive about it over the forums. None of their posts look mean/angry to other users or staff members, however. What do you do to resolve this?
I would send them a friendly PM telling them to calm down.
> Rank these in order of importance (as they apply to this forum), and explain your reasoning: greeting members, following rules, keeping active, participating in events. I won’t accept an answer of “all are equally important”, however, you can explain to me why you think they should or should not be.
1. Following rules (Without rules, the forum would fall apart.)
2. Keeping active (If you're not around you can't do anything)
3. Participating in Events (not everyone does, but it would be great if a lot of people do)
4. Greeting members. (Now, don't get me wrong here, it is really important, but your choices don't leave a lot of room fo movement. Putting anything on the bottom is wrong in some way.)
> A member starts hijacking a thread with their own questions and ideas - what do you do, and how?
Tell them very clearly to put their questions in a different topic to avoid clutter.
> A member goes off into an off-topic tangent, but makes one relevant comment at the bottom of their post. How do you respond to this?
I would put the off-topic part in a spoiler tag, and remind them to stay on topic in future.
> A member keeps typing in ALL CAPS or 1337 5p34k, and members are starting to complain. What do you do, and how?
Give them a PM reminder that this is not acceptable and if they continue, issue warnings.
> A member is obviously responding to several posts just to up their post count, but their posts aren’t technically spam. How do you respond to this?
I wouldn't do anything because it's nnot technically breaking the rules, but I would keep an eye on that member and if they get spammy, remind them not to.
You find out that some members are saying nasty things about you over IM. What do you do about this?
I answered this one before, it depends what they're saying and for what reason. I will more than likely leave them alone but if they bring it to the forums I will respond as per the forum rules.
> You notice that an RT member isn’t being very friendly, but is still submitting their work on time. At what point do you contact their team leader with your concerns?
At the point where other RT members start to complain, then action should be taken. But either way i'll shoot the leader a quick PM telling them to keep an eye on this member.
> What do you do to help a member who speaks very little English?
I would be very supportive and understanding. Have patience with them, ask what they mean when they say things. Not everyone is perfect with english, you've gotta respect that.
> BONUS: What is my favorite dinosaur? Note: I honestly don’t remember if you can find this information on the forum.
A member who has been known to be a troublemaker has gotten everyone stirred up, but overall he is correct with what he's saying. However he has been coming across as a jerk and no one is seeming to listen to him about something important. Will you side with him and risk looking like a bad mod, side with everyone else and cause yourself to look better, or try to find a solution to have everyone understand his side of the situation while trying to have him calm down because of the rude way he speaks but having the possibility that both parties won't take you seriously.
The last one, if everyone could calm down and discuss things like adults then it would all be fine. If this member is correct in his views, then he just needs to calm down and talk about it normally. Equally, the members would need to calm down and listen to what he has to say.


Dragon Goddess
Dear Jackus, good luck in your campaign!

Here is a question for you: If you become a mod, what will you do to make this forum a little more lively and fun? =)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
What? You thought I was done with just one list?

> Under what circumstances would you ban a member instantly?

> You’re unsure of how many warning points to assign a member. What do you do?

> Do you think you will have any problems giving out a warn or ban? It’s easy to say you’ll do it, but will you have any hesitation?

> You realize you’ve given out an undeserved punishment. What steps would you take to resolve this?

> You notice an issue on the forum, but neither of the admins are available to fix it. What do you do?

> You and another staff member disagree on how to interpret a rule. How and where do you discuss this?

> How will you prioritize looking through the forum? Will you look at everything, or try and focus on one section?

> You ask 2 members to take a discussion into PM, but they refuse, and direct their anger at you. What happens next?

> You find that a banned member comes back with an alternate account, but they’re following the rules now. What do you do?

> BONUS: Name 3 of my 5 favorite animals. :)


Staff member
A seldom noticed forum member has gone beyond the call of duty. Please give us an example PM of what you might send them.
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