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A wild campaign thread appeared! (Jackus)

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[Insert Member Title]
Hey there, Jackus here! :)
So I guess this is where I say why I want to be mod? :P Well, i'm a fair person who spends a lot of time on forums helping out and otherwhise being nice. Being a moderator will be great and will allow me to help people in a much better way, also i'm not afraid to enforce rules, however I am fair and will listen to what the member has to say instead of throwing out warns here there and everywhere.

I'm not really the kind of person who writes a lot about themselves with no prompt, but don't let that put you off. If you want to know anything then ask away! :)

Edit: The application I sent to Xyphien:
Why do you want to be a mod?: I feel I would make a great addition to the staff, I like to spend a lot of time on forums, and being a moderator gives me a reason to do that even more. I always try my best to stick by the rules, and i'm not afraid to take mod action when neccesary. In terms of experience, I am currently a local moderator on which means I have a feel for how moderating works and the responsibilities required. I'm on this site enough that time won't be a problem.

What can you bring that you feel no one else will: Well, i'm almost always on the forums when I have access to the internet, so if something suddenly happens, as long as i'm not asleep i'll be able to quickly respond and take action.

How long do you plan on being a staff on the forums?: Forever if I can, i've been on here since it was made, with a small gap.

Would you be fine with adding staff to an outside form of communication like Skype?: That's not a problem, I prefer Skype for some things, it's a nice quick way to communicate.

More details can be given on request. (smile)
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[Insert Member Title]
Why don't you have a huge, impressive, formatted essay as the OP?
I'm the kind of person who is open to questions and then answers said questions, I don't much like writing a huge amount about myself.
And if i'm honest, i'm kinda late to the campaign topics, so I best get one out there as soon as possible :) Don't be afraid to ask questions though.

Also how much do you lo- *shot*
Don't you even.. dare. (wide)

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Would you give an official warning to your best friend (if they're even on here) here if you had to?

Supposing they or someone else kept spamming and making inappropriate jokes, catty remarks, and simply trying to bring the morale of people down?


[Insert Member Title]
Would you give an official warning to your best friend (if they're even on here) here if you had to?

Supposing they or someone else kept spamming and making inappropriate jokes, catty remarks, and simply trying to bring the morale of people down?
Yes, without a doubt. Friendship is no excuse. If they are breaking the rules, they face the punishment :) (Although I might send them a friendly reminder so I don't have to do it again)


[Insert Member Title]
How would you handling warning a fellow moderator or administrator?
That's a tough one. I think I would send the person in question a PM saying what they've done wrong and maybe notify someone higher up too in case they want a more appropriate punishment (Like removal of moderation privileges.) I wouldn't give a normal warn unless someone higher up (like an Admin) gives the go ahead.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
*cheers* Woo! Go Jackus~ (cheeky)

> What do you think is more important: being taken seriously as a staff member, or being able to hang around with other users?

> You certainly stepped it up to reach the post requirement for applying as a mod! Do you think you'll be able to keep up that level of activity around here?


[Insert Member Title]
> What do you think is more important: being taken seriously as a staff member, or being able to hang around with other users?
Now that's a really tough one. Can I be awkward and say both? It's important to strike a balance. If you get too staffy (if that's even a word) then you seem too uptight and not very approachable. However if you get to involved in the community you might forget your duties or like the members too much to warn them.
You should strike a nice neat balance in the middle.

> You certainly stepped it up to reach the post requirement for applying as a mod! Do you think you'll be able to keep up that level of activity around here?
Sure. I'm here to stay. Even if I don't become a moderator I will still be active around here, you can't get rid of me that easily! (cool)


Studious Dark Lord
If you were to see two forum member's in a heated argument, but both of them were "right" how would you calm down the situation?


[Insert Member Title]
If you were to see two forum member's in a heated argument, but both of them were "right" how would you calm down the situation?
Well if it's something trivial i'd tell them to not continue, both of them are technically 'right' so there's no point carrying on when it's going to be a heated discussion for ages. At the very least they should take it to a PM to avoid cluttering the forums.
Feeling that you need to be formal when answering questions xD It's a psychological thing (apparently)
Oh right you mean with these questions? I'm not 'formal' or 'informal' i'm myself. If you talked with me in any other discussion in the forums the tone would be the same xD


Studious Dark Lord
A member of the forum is focused on politics, religion, ect... but it is their own opinion... however their posts have people mixed with their own beliefs and has been upsetting a few of the other members for making the forum awkward. How would you handle this situation even though they aren't technically breaking any rules?
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