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A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO v. 0.01

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Axel submitted a new resource:

A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO - My first game in 4 different languages :D hope you enjoy it

Hey guys, This is just a mini demo, only 2 maps + 2 intro maps. I'll update it every time I finish a new part of the story. By now I need you to give me feedback about the effects and language options.

The game is in Spanish, English (Translated by myself), German and French (German and French translated with google translate).

Please, tell me if there are mistakes in the translations, where they are and How is the correct way to say it.
Read more about this resource...


Please put at least one screenshot of the game, as stated in Resource Rules.
right, sorry I forgot the screenshot
[doublepost=1464228264,1464227904][/doublepost]Hey guys, the image that pops up when you get in the balcony is just a test-image, I'll change when I have time to draw the one that goes there


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
So I wanted to test your demo but it (doesnt matter which language I select) redirects me back to the title :/. And it would be better if you'd write "Wählen Sie eine Sprache" ;) I know four words, German is a weird language xD Once I#m able to get further I'll help you improve the French and German version, if you like~


Praised Adventurer

I, too, tried out the Demo, and found the sequence of events rather awkward. Would it be possible to have the language choice at the very beginning, instead of after the opening titles, which I can't read..? I managed to choose 'English' after a while, and the titles repeated, then the 'cut scene' starts, but although a few dialogues came up in English (needing some slight corrections...), they quickly reverted to Spanish, so I was, again, 'cooked'. I would have liked to suggest translations of either English and/or French (I'm fluent in both...), but the Demo would have to run much smoother for that to be feasible. I'd be pleased to see a 'new, improved' version to try out, and could read through for corrections any dialogue files you may have.
A bit of a shame, but could be fixed, that's part of what demos are for, isn't it..?


So I wanted to test your demo but it (doesnt matter which language I select) redirects me back to the title :/. And it would be better if you'd write "Wählen Sie eine Sprache" ;) I know four words, German is a weird language xD Once I#m able to get further I'll help you improve the French and German version, if you like~
Thank you so much @Cunechan , I'll will be so helpful to have your help in French and German 'cause I don't know so much german and frencha it's been 6 or year I don't practice it.

I noticed those bugs, sorry I'm working on it, and I'm working on the languajes so I can do what you say @Dad3353 , to have the languaje choice at the very beggining, but The matter is that if I do that when it gets to the title screen and start a new game I have to re-choose languaje 'cause the previous selection resets after the title screen.
I would have liked to suggest translations of either English and/or French (I'm fluent in both...), but the Demo would have to run much smoother for that to be feasible. I'd be pleased to see a 'new, improved' version to try out, and could read through for corrections any dialogue files you may have.
A bit of a shame, but could be fixed, that's part of what demos are for, isn't it..?
What do you mean with "smoother for that to be feasible"?? I'm from venezuela and sometimes some expressions are difficult for mi to understand. What means "feasible"??


Praised Adventurer
...The matter is that if I do that when it gets to the title screen and start a new game I have to re-choose languaje 'cause the previous selection resets after the title screen.
There's probably something that can be done to fix that, I imagine. Any chance of posting the sequence of Events; we may be able to spot something that you've missed and resolve the issue..? Just a suggestion...


it will be pretty much useful to know how to create a title screen just with events, with no plugins
[doublepost=1468682480,1468682352][/doublepost]because I solved the order problem but when I start the new game all my events work with a languaje switch and it resets that switch and desactivate them all


Praised Adventurer
...I'm from venezuela and sometimes some expressions are difficult for mi to understand. What means "feasible"??
Please accept an apology. "I would have liked to suggest translations of either English and/or French (I'm fluent in both...), but the Demo would have to run much better for that to be workable". Have you any scripts (not programming, but dialogue, as in 'film script'...) that could be translated for you..? Sometimes the context of the game is necessary, but not often.




Praised Adventurer
...a new update entry...
@Axel I downloaded the new version, but I'm afraid it's still not right. It opens with the Sky and Mountains, with a slow scrolling text in Spanish, which eventually becomes a Start screen, with a spectacular Floating Island, but no Menu choices of any sort..! The music plays; I can call up the 'Options' with a Right Click, but nothing else. There's something wrong with the start-up sequence still.
Whatever else, is it at all possible to skip the introductory scrolling text..? Even if I could read it (in whatever language...) I wouldn't want to have that happen every time I launched the Game. Can it not start with the normal Start Menu, or, even better, with a choice of tongue right at the start..?
It needs fixing, in any case. Do you need any help with that..? There are many here able to offer good advice, if the questions are put to them. I'm still looking forward to being able to see the start of the Game.
Hope this helps...


Yeah, there's a way to skip the sequence, press Z or Enter... I'm working on the other languages for the intro sequence.

Let me see what happened with the menu. """EDIT : You have to skip the sequence, I'll fix it tomorrow, I'm going to sleep now. It's a little problem with an action in an event"""

If you can make 3 maps ---> 1 that were choose language , 1 that works as title screen and 1 to start the game with the selected languajes <--- and make it work, please do it and send it to me (upload to mediafire and give me the link)

There's a 2nd sequence, a little one, to skip it press Shift and then Enter or Z...
[doublepost=1468720457,1468719271][/doublepost]@Dad3353 What the game has by now it's no more than 2 or 3 minutes of game... But If you can help as @Cunechan with the translations... I'm working in the rest of the game.


Praised Adventurer
If you can make 3 maps...
Here's a primitive way which may help to see how to do this. Far from perfect, but it may give some idea. It makes use of one plug-in, from Himeworks, called 'Pre-Title Events'. Download the 'Axel.rar' file from my Google Drive, to be found here...

Axel.rar ...

Let me know if there are any difficulties; hope this helps...


Axel updated A Dark Hero's Tale DEMO with a new update entry:

Intro + Bugs fixes

Fixed Intro Bug.
Fixed Language Choosing bug.
Added Video Intro (still in spanish, soon in english, french and german).
Added Evented Title Screen (soon with own title image)
Fixed too powerful Enemies.

Still have 2 maps, but now you can battle against slimes xDD As soon as I can I'll create the other maps.
Read the rest of this update entry...
[doublepost=1473279798,1473221269][/doublepost]@Cunechan @Dad3353 hey pleaseif you can and if you want you can download it and help me with the translations :) thanks @Sinnistar It would be great if as the game updates the story you could play it and tell me what you think about it :)


Praised Adventurer
I've already downloaded it; I'll see what I can do concerning translation...

@Axel ...

Could you check the .rar package, as there are an awful lot of files missing. I've not checked all, but the Img/System seems to lack most of its png files. I've copied a lot over from a previous version, but I think it needs looking at, and refreshing the downloadable rar file.
Last edited:


Praised Adventurer
Sorry, Axel, there are really too many files missing or not found by MV (some audio/se files, and the characters/Damagexxxx.png stuff.
Incidentally, there is a FATAL FLAW in some of this..! I see that some of your files have Spanish accented characters in the file name. Whilst doubtless correct grammatically for Spanish poetry, these are totally foreign to any IT project, I'd suggest, world-wide. Many systems (and especially web-based file systems...) will only recognise standard ascii base characters, and will not accept French accents, Norwegian characters nor Russian Cyrillic script. I'd advise changing every one of those file names to become plain ordinary 26-character acscii. It's not Spanish that's not accepted, it's any 'funny' squiggles, umlauts and cedillas, so please don't be offended. Windows can deal with a lot of this, but it's really the exception; others, especially the Web and Android OS will not recognise 'em. Best to take on that habit now, I'd suggest, before it's too late, eh..? Just sayin'...