Sorry, Axel, there are really too many files missing or not found by MV (some audio/se files, and the characters/Damagexxxx.png stuff.
Incidentally, there is a FATAL FLAW in some of this..! I see that some of your files have Spanish accented characters in the file name. Whilst doubtless correct grammatically for Spanish poetry, these are totally foreign to any IT project, I'd suggest, world-wide. Many systems (and especially web-based file systems...) will only recognise standard ascii base characters, and will not accept French accents, Norwegian characters nor Russian Cyrillic script. I'd advise changing every one of those file names to become plain ordinary 26-character acscii. It's not Spanish that's not accepted, it's any 'funny' squiggles, umlauts and cedillas, so please don't be offended. Windows can deal with a lot of this, but it's really the exception; others, especially the Web and Android OS will not recognise 'em. Best to take on that habit now, I'd suggest, before it's too late, eh..? Just sayin'...