Indie Dev

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  1. Cyan Cupcake

    Hello everybody!

    Hi! I'm a young kid who wants to make it big in the wonderful world of rpg making!
  2. DarkBunniDNR

    Hello There!

    Hi All I have just signed up after finding your lovely site and seeing all the great things available to help me improve my MV skills and games. I'll do my best to be a productive member of this community. Keep Creating! :3
  3. wastebox


    I am a conceptartist and illustrator with some studio-experience who wants to fulfill some humble (*choking on lies*) rpgmaker dreams. Being a fired artist gives plenty o' time anyway ! I guess that's it. Peace. \. -./ (favgames : psIV, panzerdragoon, dsouls,alien soldier / contra on...
  4. Tempest.Me

    Nice to meet you.

    Hey and Hello together. Thanks for letting me join. I'm from Germany and I got RPG Maker MV a few months ago and I find that program kinda awesome (compared to VX Ace). I'm working on a non-commercial game named "Erika" and I already collected about 1GB Data and made a few (about 50) Maps...
  5. Drkvixn


    ...Hello fellow RPG makers! I'm new here (to both the site and RPG Maker) and just though I'd say hi. I'll admit learning to use all the little bits and pieces in MV is quite the challenge (finally learned today how to do some Parallax mapping! Yay me!). Still I'm enjoying learning about it...
  6. Allonon23

    Lost in a new world

    I am new to rpg makers. MV will be my second! I actually played the RPG Maker on PlayStation through an emulator and very much liked it. MV is a lot more complicated but it hasn't been to hard so far. Though a manual to explain some things would be appreciated. I consider myself to be a pretty...
  7. NosredNassel

    Hello world :D

    I've been using rpg maker for some years, but only as a hobby, so I never made a complete game. I love RPG and I always wanted to make a complete RPG :P I'm from Spain, so... I'm sorry if my english is not good haha
  8. AlpacaCrow

    Hello fellow game makers!

    Just trying to introduce myself. I'm crow, and I like to make rpg maker games. The current one I have is rpg maker MV. I'm making a project about a stick figure who needs to get a loaf of bread to support for his family. But how is everybody else??
  9. Kirathy

    Hello guys!

    Just saying a friendly hello!
  10. Sethorion

    This is Sparta

    Hey Peeps, RPG Maker MV is installing atm. I was a VX user, but never got very far. I'm going into Software Engineering at school though, so MV will be a fun thing. I'm a novelist, a designer, a coder/programmer, and a student. i will post projects as they are finished. Thanks for...
  11. Eatorl

    Hi there.

    Hello, the forum registration said "Present yourself" and I said Alright let's do this so here it is: I am a musician: And I have made some resources for RPG maker. Mainly for VX in the past. Examples: This is an edit made in the time of Vx Ace: And some other things...
  12. PhilteredKhaos

    Well, well, well...What have we here, hmmm?

    It's me! The Eclectic Eccentric! I found this site about a week ago, but became most active a few days ago, when I ran out of projects I was cranking out like a factory. (3 in a month! Woot!) Unfortunately, doing everything alone, even testing, left one of them with some crippling errors that I...
  13. Hymmitjah

    Hello, all ^^

    Hello, new person here (obviously!X3). I've been creating with RM software for a while now, and made many maps (I love mapping) and unfinished projects. I acquired RMMV quite recently, so I plan on starting my previous VXA project all over since it will be easier to share my progress (web game...
  14. Iron Croc

    Voice Actor and Musician at your service.

    Good day, ladies and gentlemen! Codename: Iron Croc here. I am slowly-but-surely making the plunge into RMMV. Although I don't currently have the software, that doesn't mean I can't make connections with people and still contribute music and things. :D It's great to be here! For starters, I...
  15. Skyninja

    Skyninja Arrives

    Well, hello, everyone. I am Skyninja, from the VXAce Community. My main skills are Game Developing and Eventing. I'm currently working on two projects for VXAce and as soon as I'm able (or at least can afford to buy the Editor), I'll start a new project in MV. Well, one of the things that most...