Indie Dev

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  1. Praygon

    Introductions and stuff

    Hey Everyone evening/morning. Im a amateur Pixel artist and even more amateur javascript coder guy supreme. I got into RPG maker MV recently after a long hiatus from RPG maker VX and im loving how much more convenient the new software is to use (you can store more tilesets than the default 5...
  2. Tyler Ryan


    Hi there! My name is Tyler I am just a simple 17 year old who digs video games, music, anime, and almost everything geeky. Im in school learning how to become a game creator. I also teach myself art, code, guitar, and animation. It's a pleasure to meet you.
  3. HatGuy

    Introduction/What's Up? + Dev help?

    Heya everyone! What's good? I'm the "HatGuy"! I'm a Finnish student, and I've been using rpg maker(s) to make little fun games since VX (so not that long ago). As of now, I've decided to make an actual full length game on the side of my other game project. I'd love it if I got some help on it...
  4. BenDemonator

    Huru From the "Guru" ("Burke's Backyard" reference there!)

    Damn right you are. And, I will be your teacher. And, yes, Ferris Bueller will be back and centre in the classroom, probably dozing off again. Hello to y'all. I am new to the whole RPG Maker MV realm, and I have just started utilising various resources to populate my new "project". It is in the...
  5. Alanshor

    Alanshor my Name

    Hello People! Im Alan(DDO-Tracks) and i make music :D My first upload can you see here. I hope i find People, wo like my music and use this in there Games :D Have a nice Day! Alan Shor
  6. CWStudio

    Uh... Hi *waves*

    *sheepish* Um.. Hi :) Nice to meet you all, Um I'm CWStudio, short hand for CrescentWingStudio (It didn't fit LOL) most of my work is going into one game, it's well an unofficial unofficial squeal/sister/something game for Last of Us set in England. I really enjoyed the Game and felt like...
  7. Baguette

    Intruducing Myself

    Surprisingly, Baguette is not my real name. I enjoy world building; which includes tile-sets, making original clothing, day/night systems, weather events etc. I hate creating dialogue. So that means, my worlds, full of things to do and look at. Lack NPCs. That's about it.
  8. Sonicfx07


    Hi Everyone! I know I've been making use of this site for some time now, yet I haven't properly introduced myself yet. A little background about my experiences with RPG Maker engines. About eight years ago, I was using RPG Maker XP. It didn't get very far with it because there were a few things...
  9. Midori-san


    Hello forum I just recently gotten back into RPG maker been around since the PS2 days of RPG maker but came at a halt at VX. I'm currently working on a project so wish me luck! I have to re-learn a lot of stuff...
  10. JackX

    Hello everyone!

    Nice to meet you, I'm happy to be here! My specialty is the creation of scenarios and complex events
  11. DesKarD

    Hello mv community

    My name is Des, and I here for learning Maker and English. Yes, I have bad English but I suppose it's not a big problem. But let me know if I have misake in my sentenses.
  12. TrueGreenman

    Guy says hello

  13. SumRndmDde


    I'm going to be honest, I hate introducing myself, but this weird thing won't leave my screen: I've tried leaving and coming back; I've tried switching browsers; I've tried switching computers; I've tried switching planets! But none of this worked. Finally, I decided that I had one choice...
  14. mishak90

    Hello and all that...

    Hello all! Just wanted to drop in and introduce myself. I'm still learning the ropes, so no special skills as of yet. Excited to get the hang of things and see what happens!
  15. Viridea

    What's up?

    Heyo! I'm new here and I have had RPG Maker VX Ace for a while now, and I just recently got MV. I'm an artist and I have been working on a visual novel called Viridescent Dragon for a few years. I have been wanting to make an rpg adaptation of it, but I kinda suck at using scripts, myself. I'm...
  16. castagna

    Hello there! Ciao!

    I'm an italian university student who likes to "waste" his time making games with rpg maker instead of studying! I really like scripting, I'm learning how to make plugins and I love to make java programs to help me set comments and notetags easily. I wish to find something interesting on this...
  17. kriztee


    So I'm new here. I've been using RPG maker for a bit over a year. The only game I released was one that I made for my band but I'm working on two other games right now. I primarily make games by myself, I consider myself a writer, I don't do any fancy coding myself, I just look up tutorials...
  18. hito


    Hello i am a 17 year old highschool student and i try my best to learn how to use rpg maker. I have to make a game for a school project so i need some tiles i don't have. Thank you all for your understanding! :3
  19. William Worth

    Hi everyone! I am so greatful for this community!

    Hello to everyone! My name is William Worth, but most of my friends call me Billy. My very first RPG ever was Final Fantasy for the NES. When I opened the box and pulled out that map, it was the beginning of something special. I never will forget hiding under my bedsheets with a flashlight...
  20. DerPeltzer

    Hello Guys! c:

    Hi! My name is Jan. I'm 19 years old and I'm from Germany. I've bought MV, because I had some little Projects with friends on Ace a few years ago. I'm currently getting started with MV and try to make my own Fantasy-RPG. Something like the Gothic games from Piranha Bytes, but in old school...