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  1. TheGoof

    Streaming RPG Maker MV Today

    I guess what i used to do is catching on lol
  2. TheGoof

    I been back, i'm just not here often.

    I been back, i'm just not here often.
  3. TheGoof

    New Animated Battlers creation

    I dunno if Holder is paying attention.. but here ya go bud, exactly what you wanted. It will allow for the use of your battlers. Thank Victor Sant. I convinced him of it, and he did it.
  4. TheGoof

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Working on a game i settled on working on. Title It's still in early stages, i'm slow to work on things now days. I work on a tiny bit, then i stop... take a long break.. come back, work on a tiny bit more.. take another long break..and wash rinse repeat... It's going to take me forever to...
  5. TheGoof

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Game i am working on. I hope to make a game similar to 7th Saga
  6. TheGoof

    Plugin Animating Your Battlebacks

    I always had this idea. Where, rather than use an image, you could assign a small map as the background, in which you could run events to do work like this. Would make it easier to animate stuff.
  7. TheGoof

    Graphics Altered FF esq version of SV character base.

    I decided i would at least finish the female since i said i would. But i don't have a lot of faith in these forums. That faith was dashed when they decided to do a new vote for banners. I've since used ad-block to block the banner.. I don't need no stinking banner when the web address has the...
  8. TheGoof

    I've decided to come back.

    I decided to chill out and come back. Doctor put me on some new meds called a mood stabilizer. It's got me kinda calm. Doing loads better. So i decided to give this a shot again. I'm back now if anyone needs my help with anything.
  9. TheGoof

    New Animated Battlers creation

    If work needs done for them to have no background i can do it in photoshop. By the way, i'm gone but i'm not gone.. i just prefer to not be here much... Here.. I lazily did this.
  10. TheGoof

    Mirai / Zeon013 - Menu Background

    Where does the image even go? Where is the image called from?
  11. TheGoof

    Since there is no goodbye thread... goodbye.

    I can't take the flipflopping that takes place on this site, and i sure as hell can't stand when my vote on something ends up not mattering after the situation should have been final. This forum is stressing me out, and i tend to distance myself from anything that stresses me. So i'm just going...
  12. TheGoof

    Banner Revote

    I'm still happy with 2 and kinda pissed that it feels like my vote the first time did not matter, bad enough my own banner did not get chosen, then the one i voted for and got put in place has to be voted on again? I call BS! The other one is TOO simple and too boring. The one we have now is the...
  13. TheGoof

    The goof's livestreaming update thread.

    It's the only time i can do live streams i'm afraid.. Here is my channel for those who wanna find my stuff more easily. I'm livestreaming on youtube again!
  14. TheGoof

    Thoughts on MV's character generator? (bonus: show off your creations!)

    It's my understanding, that like me.. everyone hates the BIG heads on the SV Characters. I'm currently reworking them.
  15. TheGoof

    The goof's livestreaming update thread.

    I think it might be awhile before i stream again.... i was going to again tonight.. but now i just.. i am just.. not in the mood to now... Might be awhile.. I'm going to go ahead and do a livestream, doing it now. Just tune into my channel folks.
  16. TheGoof

    Graphics Altered FF esq version of SV character base.

    Turns out the female is not that different except for the eyes... it's not much different.. not much different at all.. By the way, i don't know if these can be used in Ace unless you also own MV, it's some silly rule by KDKW. You're just not allowed to use even edits from one maker from the...
  17. TheGoof

    Graphics Altered FF esq version of SV character base.

    Very welcome! I still gotta do the female.
  18. TheGoof

    Graphics Altered FF esq version of SV character base.

    Removed, taking off.. leaving.. can't go how this forum is anymore..
  19. TheGoof

    The goof's livestreaming update thread.

    Don't bother.... it was short.. and boring.. and ended with me close to crying. I blame my damn ISP... i can only do livestreams from midnight my time to 5 AM my time... and if it looks like no one is showing up, i shut it down. The point of a live stream is to talk live to people while you do...
  20. TheGoof

    New Animated Battlers creation

    I'm not a scripter, but i am interested in helping. I'm already re-working the graphics used in MV for the battlers themselves. I'm not a fan of the style they went with, and the big heads on them just look insane, in fact i am livestreaming right now (almost 1 AM at the moment central time US)...