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Thoughts on MV's character generator? (bonus: show off your creations!)

David FoxFire

Sure thing, @Macro. You basically need a good file manager for this, especially one that allows you to see two different directories at the same screen; I prefer xplorer2 ( You unzip the addon into a blank directory with one screen (or tab or window whatever the case may be) and with another one get to the Generator's storage directory. On those who got MV from Steam it'll be somthing like c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\Generator.

Now then, do a sub directory by subdirectory for each file, and keep an eye on the number on each filename (the part that goes p## is what you're looking for) If the number is the following number on the list of other grouped files (group being the second word of the filename after 'FG_') then you're good, you can just drag and copy the file. If said number is already there, you need to change the filename of the file you're copying to the next available number. When you do that, keep a note on what you're changing, because you're going to have to do that to all the other like-named files in the add-on you're putting in there. (Also, the numbering is differnet between male and female.) Once you get to a free number, you can drag and copy the file and it should work.

It's going to take some very mindful file management, especially when you hae to change filenames, but once you get the hang of it, adding new things to your Character Generator will be like bikeriding for you. Or at least I hope it will.


The characters are still so much better looking than ACE in my opinion. Once people starting tweaking the character gen I think I'll be having a lot more fun with it though.


I find that the generator is already doing well with it's current functions, but I think there are ways to import resources into the generator.
An option to make full-body images would be appreciated, though.