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  1. TruRevolution

    I did the same thing, just finished a complete wipe and restoration of the OS and drivers. Like...

    I did the same thing, just finished a complete wipe and restoration of the OS and drivers. Like new again!
  2. TruRevolution

    Hope Everyone's day is blessed!

    Hope Everyone's day is blessed!
  3. TruRevolution

    Still around...

    Hey, I've been away for quite some time now due to lack of internet. I hope everyone have a merry christmas. Although I am without the interwebs, I'm am still steadily working on a project that I hope to share with everyone one day soon.
  4. TruRevolution

    looking for opinions on some ideas

    So lets say I wanna throw someone off that cliff and into the water... (pic below) Any idea's of a cool way to accomplish that? I'm also wanting to make tutorial events to explain different mechanics ect. Is there a way to control the main menu from an event?
  5. TruRevolution

    Ghost town... Haunted Love

    Ghost town... Haunted Love
  6. TruRevolution

    you too! g'night and sweet dreams

    you too! g'night and sweet dreams
  7. TruRevolution

    I offically lost it at weird american movie about dance xD

    I offically lost it at weird american movie about dance xD
  8. TruRevolution

    hahaha now that sounds like a good plan! chocolate and a movie or 3. Dont forget a glass of...

    hahaha now that sounds like a good plan! chocolate and a movie or 3. Dont forget a glass of milk, a blanket and.... oh damn look at me imposing my awesome ideas on you, shame on me XD
  9. TruRevolution

    11pm? awe I'm more worried about you having some time to relax!

    11pm? awe I'm more worried about you having some time to relax!
  10. TruRevolution

    ^^ I'm fine, just been a long day at work today, glad to be finally home :) Thank you for...

    ^^ I'm fine, just been a long day at work today, glad to be finally home :) Thank you for asking :3
  11. TruRevolution

    man... my feet huet lol

    man... my feet huet lol
  12. TruRevolution

    Hurray for me figuring out a fix to that battle event!

    Hurray for me figuring out a fix to that battle event!
  13. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    yes it made me happy lol considering I've been scratching my head over it for over a week
  14. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    Awee... this disappointing... I honestly kinda felt like it might have been a plug in issue, since it used to work fine before I updated plug-ins. But I'm all around pretty new to all this so I wasn't sure... I don't even know where to begin trying to get in touch with Yanfly.. Perhaps I...
  15. TruRevolution

    To piece together broken dreams...

    To piece together broken dreams...
  16. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    Ok, I have uploaded a video to youtube! (my first ever) xD
  17. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    I can do this, but its getting late now... I'm kinda tired... I'll take care of this tomorrow morning and drop a link or something to you here. Thanks for taking the time tonight to work with me on this, I do appreciate it!
  18. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    I wouldn't mind at all, but last time I uploaded a demo it took drop box almost a day to upload the .rar xD Is there a program I can use to record my screenplay?
  19. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    ok... so where as I have learned a good bit more about the variables, I'm still having the same problem as before, once the bosses HP reaches zero, it doesn't vanish and still triggers the event and same downward spiral of deaths one by one :c I just realized how appropriate my signature is...