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  1. DevoidOS

    Surgery is so much fun!!! :(

    Surgery is so much fun!!! :(
  2. DevoidOS

    My Greetings!

    @Boszalex Welcome to the forums! There's a lot of useful tips, tricks, and info on this website. If you ever have a question don't be afraid to ask! Good luck to your future endeavors.
  3. DevoidOS

    Balancing enemies is so fun. :(

    Balancing enemies is so fun. :(
  4. DevoidOS

    Yup no problem. G'night!

    Yup no problem. G'night!
  5. DevoidOS


    Hello @Alicewantto! For your first steps, I recommend starting out making a simple game with a simple plot to test out the waters with the engine as making your first game your Magnum Opus is probably not going to be the best of ideas.
  6. DevoidOS

    Ohh nice a quest editor! I've been using game_stailer94s editor so nice to see a new one. I'd...

    Ohh nice a quest editor! I've been using game_stailer94s editor so nice to see a new one. I'd love to test it out.
  7. DevoidOS

    Final Chaos - Saving Chevallia Demo 1.0 (PC Only, Mac coming soon)

    Hmm looks interesting, I'll take a look at it over the weekend.
  8. DevoidOS

    Downtime + Other important information

    Waiting for that new theme now.
  9. DevoidOS

    How do you like and what direction would you like us to go?

    It was pretty good last year when it started. Haven't used it much since then, so I'm gonna try to stay semi active on it for this month at least to see if there is anything that I notice that needs to be added or changed.
  10. DevoidOS

    Tfw you said you would be back almost a year ago but left anyways.

    Tfw you said you would be back almost a year ago but left anyways.
  11. DevoidOS

    Remember me? No? Whatever but I'm back! Well not really back but slightly less inactive.

    Remember me? No? Whatever but I'm back! Well not really back but slightly less inactive.
  12. DevoidOS

    Back from Hiatus

    Ayy, welcome back @PixelMister !
  13. DevoidOS

    [Poll] Change Smileys?

    Putting the smileys in manually will make things easier for things like typing in roman numerals and what not.
  14. DevoidOS

    Been messing around in MV and its actually pretty good, except for all of the obvious flaws that...

    Been messing around in MV and its actually pretty good, except for all of the obvious flaws that come with any new release of RPG Maker.
  15. DevoidOS

    The CCC needs a pixel artist!

    Hope this goes well for you! I would join but I can't make pixel art for shit.
  16. DevoidOS

    One does not simply be right back from LOL.

    One does not simply be right back from LOL.
  17. DevoidOS

    Forum Collab RPG Maker MV Game!

    So I've been playing The Binding of Issac: Afterbirth all day and we should definitely make something like the Ultra Greed Fight as the final boss.
  18. DevoidOS

    Hello from Singapore!

    Hello there! Hope you have a good time here!
  19. DevoidOS

    [unmaintained] Elderage

    I read Runescape and I'm already excited for this!
  20. DevoidOS

    Oh hoy!

    Welcome to the forums! (God I haven't done this in a while!)