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  1. Wiskersthefif

    Pondering an on the fly class changing system...not sure how I would go about it

    That's an interesting idea. I guess you could use a reusable item to apply the status effects. I need the ability to change in the middle of a fight though. I am thinking about just running it like pokemon instead, just have capture-able monsters to join my party and have an active party size of...
  2. Wiskersthefif

    Need Input on this Map

    It is a plug-in that is used for creating lighting.
  3. Wiskersthefif

    Need Input on this Map

    Yea, I remember using Terrax when I was still trying to make my projects work; was not a fan. But the map looks very good, just little things could be added. I am surprised that VXA tiles look so good after being rescaled. Awesome work.
  4. Wiskersthefif

    Need Input on this Map

    I noticed some things here and couldn't help but offer some thoughts (not meaning to be nosy, I just like it when people critique writing that I do, so just thought I would). I had a buddy who was a slumlord in Chicago, not really, but he owned buildings in a pretty rough part of town. I always...
  5. Wiskersthefif

    Need Input on this Map

    If you are going for that kind of grim, futuristic look...I would suggest maybe some trash scattered around, maybe some vagrants peppered in, definitely more cars and buses, and as many npc characters as possible; make it feel cramped and uncomfortable. I would also suggest making it not so...
  6. Wiskersthefif

    I Sketch Stuff, Hi...

    I tried to learn how to do pixel art at some point...but I don't have much skill with art stuff. I work as a television writer and wanted to try out video game narrative, but yea...the artistic side of things was very rough (as well as coding, but lets move on). But when I was trying to learn...
  7. Wiskersthefif

    I Sketch Stuff, Hi...

    Very cool, I would love to see more of your work. Also, if you are thinking about doing pixel art and not sure where to start, I would suggest Aseprite (it's on steam) or GraphicsGale (guy in the video below uses GraphicsGale). and to check out this guy if you wanted to get really crazy at...
  8. Wiskersthefif

    I Sketch Stuff, Hi...

    Welcome to the forum! What kind of sketches/work do you do?
  9. Wiskersthefif

    Feedback please for levelling system.

    This is an interesting concept. It really depends on what kind of game you are aiming for: "I just want to tell a story", "I want to challenge my players", and a hybrid of the previous two (this one is very difficult, but also has the highest ceiling of success). Since you said you wanted to...
  10. Wiskersthefif

    Help with some names?

    I posted this on another thread recently, but it pretty closely relates to your thread. It can be helpful in naming places, organizations, etc. I apologize if it is against the rules to copy paste something one writes from one thread to another. Different sounds and meanings are, in my opinion...
  11. Wiskersthefif

    What's in a name? (Character names, that is)

    Different sounds and meanings are, in my opinion, core in creating fictional names (not "real" names, such as Jeff, Chris, or Jane). Meaning that the phonics of names are extremely important. Riot Games is a good example of the proper use of phonics. Their character "Rengar" provides a near...
  12. Wiskersthefif

    Need some ideas

    I have not read all the posts on this thread, so I apologize if these have all been mentioned somewhere. 1. Assassination would be the most obvious solution. However, if your character has no well known claim to their throne, then unless it is the kind of kingdom where the strongest rule (if...
  13. Wiskersthefif

    Pondering an on the fly class changing system...not sure how I would go about it

    I am not sure if this is the right place to talk about this...but I am thinking about using a system where you are able to change your class in the heat of battle, giving your character access to different skills, stats, etc. So think Pokemon and Nocturne (or some other SMT game) had a baby. I...
  14. Wiskersthefif

    adverse effects of using enormous sprites for everything?

    So I was experimenting with making monstrous character sprites, I used 3x3 tiles of 48x48 pixels to make Harold into a huge sprite. Assuming I create my own large sprites/general paralax and map stuff, using aseprite or something (to make them not look so aweful), what are the adverse side...
  15. Wiskersthefif

    First map and mechanics

    Huh, how did you create that effect with your windows? It is very neat. I can create a static version (windows are already open and sunlight is coming through, but how did you make it work with opening windows?
  16. Wiskersthefif

    Question about how things can work out with choices.

    Yes, I would certainly be using the expanding tree method, and I was certainly imagining needing a plug in of some kind, but creating some a plug in like that would be possible, yes? I was thinking more along the lines of early choices completely changing the remainder of the game. Like, if...
  17. Wiskersthefif

    Question about how things can work out with choices.

    Oh, right. So, imagine you wanted to create four completely different stories; I would need to commission a java script person to make a plug in for me? Or could I create a switch from an event to take the player down a different path?
  18. Wiskersthefif

    Question about how things can work out with choices.

    Huh, that is really interesting. Do you have any idea if there is a way to employ a "Karma Counter" (maybe to take the game in a completely different direction if you fall on a specific part of the spectrum) in RPG Maker MV, or would it require commissioning someone to program it in with java?
  19. Wiskersthefif

    HimeWorks plugins are now free

    Free, as in for commercial use? Wow, that is good of you!
  20. Wiskersthefif

    Question about how things can work out with choices.

    Ah, well the writing and planning side to it would not be very difficult, just rather time consuming. I am worried about the technical aspect to it though....I tried learning Java, but I just don't have the time to learn it and write the plot, dialogue, etc for a game :(