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  1. Wiskersthefif

    Question about how things can work out with choices.

    huh, I will check it out. I was wondering if the game can be entirely different though.
  2. Wiskersthefif

    Question about how things can work out with choices.

    So I am curious about how drastically choices early in a game can effect the remainder of the game. For instance, if the player were to make a choice to go to work early in the game, could the remainder of the game be completely different than if they were to decide to quit their job and see the...
  3. Wiskersthefif

    Is combat required to hold the interest of someone playing an RPG Maker MV game?

    Hello everyone. So I spent about an hour putting together a little origin story for a character I am working on (Warning:Horror aspects.... link:, which got me to wondering: Is combat required to...
  4. Wiskersthefif

    Story and Characters Ideas

    I think that is an excellent idea, you can build trust between characters. Makes them more relatable to whoever is playing the game.
  5. Wiskersthefif

    Hidden Choice Conditions

    Wow, very nice. You should try the Legend of Legaia combat system sometime!
  6. Wiskersthefif

    Unamed Idea

    maybe "angels", or whatever he decides to call them, are not meant to be on earth. So the process of being banished from his realm maybe caused him to to go a little mad, the madness just might add a kind of humorous aspect to his character.
  7. Wiskersthefif

    Unamed Idea

    Maybe she banishes a member of her, don't actually call it this, "Angelic Host" for not agreeing with her course of action. The banished ...... angel?.... spends most of their time trying to warn people, but is mostly seen as "a mad doomsayer" by the public (basically Al Gore, according to South...
  8. Wiskersthefif

    Class Skills

    I don't really know about your lore, so I couldn't go into too great of detail, but I hope this helps. Dark Monk - Enfeebling Mantra: debuff for enemy (defense down, attack down, or maybe both?) Null Mantra: removes buffs for enemy Culling Mantra: damage + status effect for enemy Enthralling...
  9. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    Never high fantasy. Maybe I should give it a shot. Anyways, since you like dragons, you should check this out ( ). Give them your two cents about it.
  10. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    Nope, but that is because dragons don't really fit in the show i'm working on, being a drama and would be exponentially more awesome if there were though, rofl. Dragons are more suited to high fantasy novels, in my opinion.
  11. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    Yea, not gunna lie, dragons are pretty sweet.
  12. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    Hey! You the Java guy, right? If so you might know....has anyone been able to make the "Legend of Legaia" combat system of RPG Maker? If not, do you think it is possible? Oh! what kind of stuff do you like to write?
  13. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    hah, I like your use of emoji's. Thanks for the welcome, and you are a brave soul; songwriting is rough. I can relate with being bored with stuff, I spent three hours today arguing with my co-workers about.... how a rich white woman would "really talk"....but anyways I hope your stuff becomes...
  14. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    ohhh, very cool! Learning new things all the time. Also, I kinda got a "Disgaea" feeling from what you linked.
  15. Wiskersthefif

    Amy's Pixel Place [Paid]

    Forgive my ignorance, but are the VX Ace sprites/icons/tiles compatible with MV? Excellent work by the way! :D
  16. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    sooooo, ambient music!
  17. Wiskersthefif

    Story and Characters Ideas

    well, first and foremost, the grammar and typos should be addressed asap, it made the story kind of hard to follow sometimes. (but you said your friend is going to get on it, so that should be fine. I would also try and avoid the "amnesiac character", I counted three of them. This character is...
  18. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    Hah, well my job mostly entails arguing about dialogue, continuity, and then.....finally finding common ground with co-workers and finishing a page or two. I am really hyped to write a story without having to be constantly arguing about how rich white women "actually talk". Also, what kind of...
  19. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    Oh! I remember the Demo, it's what convinced me older brother that we needed it. Has anyone tried to code the combat system for RPG Maker?
  20. Wiskersthefif

    Hello folks

    Tell me about it!.....I miss Legend of Legaia....I don't care if the story sucked! Loved it anyways.