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  1. G

    New here...

    It is true that it won't be "just another prison", though I think with the concept I am going for, the prison won't be the primary focus of what's going on... more of a place to return to and to build onto. But it would be cool if the prison was built on top of another ancient fortress that has...
  2. G

    How does the title and idea of this game sound feel free to give any adivce imopen

    I'm struggling to understand the concept. It might be because there is little punctuation in your message (so I don't know where one sentence ends and another begins). Also, a few other questions may need answering / clarifying: 1. What is this 'awakening' you are referring to? Is it connected...
  3. G

    Visual or Non-Visual Encounters

    My vote would also be more toward visible encounters (at least in dungeons/locations). If in the world-map, you could do random/invisible, but it becomes too much guesswork from the player's perspective (and aimless wondering) if that's the way it is everywhere. Then, if the player wants to...
  4. G

    New here...

    Hi Macro, Thanks for the feedback. I agree - it would be more intriguing (and probably less hassle) to just turn the prison into the future home-base area. I think I will go with your suggestion on that one. (thumbsup) As for the separate stories... I admit that I am still trying to...
  5. G

    New here...

    Hello everyone! I am wondering about a story idea that I've been working around in my head, if it will be workable (Note: I haven't done anything in RM yet. I'm just working through story details atm...) So here goes... The prologue begins with a choice of three characters/plots, each of...