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Search results

  1. trapless

    [<- MV 1.6] Debug Title Menu v[1.1.1] [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. trapless

    [<- MV 1.6] Debug Title Menu v[1.1.1] [Deleted]

    trapless submitted a new resource: [<- MV 1.6] Debug Title Menu v[1.1.1] - Debugging tool to quickly access custom scenes with a few helpful tools for Read more about this resource...
  3. trapless

    [<- MV 1.6] Debug Title Menu [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  4. trapless

    Plugin Panel: A new Window

    I've been working on a new window/button system I call 'Panel' because buttons are tiny windows and I find Window ridiculous to work with. I wanted more menu power for Prospect-MV( a 3D map plugin for RPG Maker MV ). The video is 30fps. When the 'close' box grows, the game drops to 30fps...
  5. trapless

    Need Video Title Plugin, PLEASE. :)

    It would require re-writing how MV's Graphics object handles video files. Right now removes the game screen and plays a video without the player being able to do anything until the video is over. It's so silly.
  6. trapless

    Greetings from a long time RPG Maker user.

    Welcome here. I thank you for joining. It's great to have people to shave a passion with. This is an awesome forum. The more the merrier :) I remember your name from rpgmakercentral.
  7. trapless

    What did you add to your project today?

    I've been refactoring my new menu system. Today I've been been adding higher order functions to remove duplicate code. I've gotten rid of 50 unnecessary lines or so this morning.
  8. trapless

    [FINISHED]Title Screen Menu Placement?

    if arrow keys navigated it, i'd animate the pulse and cycle the selected item to above the pulse line. since touch is a thing to, maybe redraw the pulse from left to right and have it underline the selection when selecting?
  9. trapless

    What should our game for plot have?

    an eppisode to get back to 5k+ views a month if you have a time system in place, increase your purse by monitary contributions to the site.
  10. trapless


    Hi there. I'm awake a lot and check the board/discord chat often. I spend a lot of time coding and like to take little breaks often to let my brain unwind a bit. See ya around.
  11. trapless

    Making Menus and maybe even new systems on a Visual Coding Platform?

    I don't know of any WYSIWYG editor or making windows or menus yet. LTN games has been working on an extension to play test a game right inside of visual studio code though. You can read about it on his site. The closest thing i have to a solution for that right now would be to setup BrowserSync...
  12. trapless

    [<- MV 1.6] Debug Title Menu [Deleted]

    trapless submitted a new resource: [<- MV 1.6] Debug Title Menu - Debugging tool to quickly access custom scenes with a few helpful tools for MV 1.6.0+ Read more about this resource...
  13. trapless

    ES6 scene template

    Thank you. I had a feeling it was so. I went to bed instead of testing it xD I'll reflect this in the OP. Fixed to work with default SceneManager's use of ".constructor".
  14. trapless

    1.6.0 is not broken, please share ES6 knowledge.

    added this to SceneManager to allow es6 classes: var _SceneManager_new_isNextScene_traplessDebug_27022018 = SceneManager.isNextScene; SceneManager.isNextScene = function (sceneClass) { if (typeof sceneClass === "string") { sceneClass = eval(sceneClass); }...
  15. trapless

    1.6.0 is not broken, please share ES6 knowledge.

    'The google' is flooded with people talking about the awful 1.6.0 update. So many people complained that KADOKAWA opted for regression and released a 1.5.2 update. They backstepped NW.js and QT. Were all of the other problems resolved by changing those two things? I don't know. Everything looks...
  16. trapless

    Looking for a friend to make games with

    How are your javascript / math skills? I've just begun a large plugin project I would love assistance with. I'll post a topic for it soon I suppose. I've been busy with setting up my workspace mostly. I want to make a game with a team very much so. I've got to get this new system working first...
  17. trapless

    Play test a MV game with BrowserSync

    I test in Firefox though it would be cool to know how to set this up with the nw.exe that play test opens too. Please share if you happen to figure it out.
  18. trapless

    RMMV Scripting Reference

    That is a mighty big project. Thanks for the bookmark :) Here is the event editors script call equivalents (a.k.a. Game_Interpreter): Link was found here...
  19. trapless

    Search Members / Useful forum edits. *take two*

    Well... shame on me, It sure is. I imagine my brain skipped it because I went to that page specifically to search if a member existed. I didn't image that such an important feature would be cast to the side. It's barely on screen when when the page loads for me. If i find another issue, i'll...
  20. trapless

    Search Members / Board specific stickys?

    Acknowledged, I was frustraded and didnt bother to check if this had been adressed. I couldn't simply delete my message.