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Search members exist without them posting? If not, why? If so, how?
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It makes sense to have the main stickys in this board because they are help related.
I believe Other board would benifite greatly by having thier own set of relative stickys.
The main help stickys could be collapsed into one link with fine print previews. A toplist of deemed most helpful topics of the board being viewed could then fit nicely at the top. That would be really useful for me. Another way to solve it would be to add a better sort option. A sort drop down that would allow "like, helpful, informative, agree, etc.." would be extra helpful. "Replies and View" could be comined into the same dropdown with the other filter. They already share the same display space. Since they are listed vertically with some room to spare, the selected filter, if not "replies or views" coul be listed atop of them in <div class="listBlock stats pairsJustified"....>. I would go with this Option AND collapse the help stickys (maybe not contest and the contest prize sticky, definitly not the prize sticky...)when not in "Forums Community Center FORUM Feedback, Suggestions, and Help".
|--------- HELP Stickys! -- Read Please! -------------|
- The Rules (Read Before Posting), Resource Rules, Important Links, MV Resource Link List -
Would be pretty cool~~
Search members exist without them posting? If not, why? If so, how?
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It makes sense to have the main stickys in this board because they are help related.
I believe Other board would benifite greatly by having thier own set of relative stickys.
The main help stickys could be collapsed into one link with fine print previews. A toplist of deemed most helpful topics of the board being viewed could then fit nicely at the top. That would be really useful for me. Another way to solve it would be to add a better sort option. A sort drop down that would allow "like, helpful, informative, agree, etc.." would be extra helpful. "Replies and View" could be comined into the same dropdown with the other filter. They already share the same display space. Since they are listed vertically with some room to spare, the selected filter, if not "replies or views" coul be listed atop of them in <div class="listBlock stats pairsJustified"....>. I would go with this Option AND collapse the help stickys (maybe not contest and the contest prize sticky, definitly not the prize sticky...)when not in "Forums Community Center FORUM Feedback, Suggestions, and Help".
|--------- HELP Stickys! -- Read Please! -------------|
- The Rules (Read Before Posting), Resource Rules, Important Links, MV Resource Link List -
Would be pretty cool~~