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  1. trapless

    Documented Pixi.js ERRORS

    sometimes pixi is fixed but RpgMaker doesnt yet include that fixed version of pixi. sometimes... pixi isn't fixed yet.. this post is meant to catalog bugs and their corrections applicable to versions of pixi packaged with RpgMaker MV posting version numbers,error, line number and correction...
  2. trapless

    Is social media killing forums?

    still here and accepting dcc sends :D
  3. trapless

    Ingame Sprite Creator Plugin

    i can put a base character on screen and then place more images over it for customization, no problem. After a new character is made the image needs to flattened into one image file and saved to the file system. If you don't have it as one sprite file you will need to load and move all of those...
  4. trapless

    Learn To Code In JS With A Game

    sweet game i made my character list out what properties are in "this" using Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this) there are 276. neat... you can check the 'achievements' screen to see what subjects the game covers. it covers a good bit. i'm not sure if the four worlds that are free span all the...
  5. trapless

    How to use Sprite_Button

    I failed to notice you had a sprite button video. I had attempted to use them from scratch so i didn't have the command window to work with. I'll attempt it again in a tabbed menu I'm working on now and let you know how it goes. I have all of your videos marked. I haven't yet watched them all...
  6. trapless

    How to use Sprite_Button

    Anyone figure this out yet? i have Sprite_buttons showing on screen with bitmaps and i setup: mySpriteButton.setClickHandler(this.bclick.bind(this)); i'm not getting my bclick method when i click the sprite on screen
  7. trapless

    please help understand some pixi stuff

    Thank you very much. i've had little success finding documentation about actually using pixi. what i know of it is from reading the source and trial and error. I was trying to use a stage to contain my sprites. i didnt realize the container would link things like it does. i'm very please to...
  8. trapless

    please help understand some pixi stuff

    1. what is new equivalent to vxa Viewport? is it Stage? 2. to move the whole stagt(child sprites included) i gotta execute (; ) to update it like: Example_Stage.prototype.moveRightBy = function (distance) { this.x +=...
  9. trapless

    Bitmap.renderGfx(graphic); PIXI.Graphics that is...

    Nevermind the rest of this thread as i have figured out how to achieve my desire using PIXI how i now think is proper. I have added a method to Bitmap called renderGfx. It is used to draw a PIXI.Graphics() object to the Bitmaps context. i guess, just place that code in your rpg_core.js or...
  10. trapless

    What version of ECMAScript(javascript) does rmmv use?

    Thank you all. I chose hTTrack for Is there some protocol to have a thread closed?
  11. trapless

    What version of ECMAScript(javascript) does rmmv use?

    thnx, it was my guess. anyone found or compiled a chm of the references yet? having this whole site: offline would be nice. best i found: link must be copied and pasted into...
  12. trapless

    What version of ECMAScript(javascript) does rmmv use?

    I want to gather reference material correctly. I want to know what version to reference so i don't make a mistake like studying ruby v2.2 when needing to write code in v1.9.2 [Solved] 5
  13. trapless

    trapless here, howdy y'all.

    look in the javascripting sub section " tutorials", soulpour777 seems to have compiled a great start for us :)
  14. trapless

    theme: blue

    Right, I meant to ask if it was brought about by the same people.. i was pretty tired and skipped the question part (haha!) that they aren't by the same group seems clarified :) I see two theme options and I use the light theme. It's a matter of productivity that i intend to address. My...
  15. trapless

    theme: blue

    This site looks like it was conceived The only major differences I see are and the colors. I suggest an option for blue forum theme like It was a lot easier for me to read. A color selector would be great if possible.
  16. trapless

    trapless here, howdy y'all.

    Thank you for the welcoming response. VX Ace was not my first rpg maker. It is however my fist from Enterbrain.
  17. trapless

    trapless here, howdy y'all.

    Mid RMVXAce development I began learning to program in java so I could write stories for android since windows 10 would read programs created for ARM architecture. Since RMMV will compile for multiple systems.. I'll give it a go. Thank you to all who shared their skills on forums of RPG Makers...