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  1. DarcHiro

    Hi there!

    Nice to meet ya, while I don't know much about scripting... I can offer tips on pixel art! I by no means say I am really good at it, but I'll help lol. Also there are quite a few people who will do commissions here, Amy is a big one that I know of.
  2. DarcHiro

    Robot Love (Music)

    So, I may not be Mexican myself... but my partner is, and they thought I started listening to a spainish song lol. So more like Spainish Love to me! Hehehe
  3. DarcHiro

    Amy's Pixel Place [Paid]

    Just gotta say, your art always inspires me to work harder! Thanks for that Amy!
  4. DarcHiro

    New Here!

    Nice to meet ya! If you wanna get started, you can always browse the resources, or if you are wanting something more specific... well there are artists here that do commissioned work.
  5. DarcHiro

    Hello all

    Nice to meet ya man, and don't worry! We all start somewhere!
  6. DarcHiro

    Benign Passage (music)

    I'm always a sucker for violin!!!
  7. DarcHiro

    Hey, I'm Back.

    Thanks everyone! I might even post a few resources occasionally! Lol
  8. DarcHiro


    Did you lose your password for the other one? If so I'm sorry man... Anyways welcome!
  9. DarcHiro

    Introduce Self

    Welcome! It's nice to meet ya! If you need art critique, I've been studying pixel art and color theory... (Got a long way to go still though)
  10. DarcHiro

    Welp, I'm back!

    Welp, I'm back!
  11. DarcHiro

    Hey, I'm Back.

    Hey, some of you already know me, but for those of you who don't know me... I'm DarcHiro, I used to get on here all the time but a lot happened to me, and I just ended up dealing with too much. You may have seen me on either YouTube, Twitter, Discord, or other places I go on... Just checking...
  12. DarcHiro

    Just was seeing what's up with everyone. It's been a little while since I've been online lol.

    Just was seeing what's up with everyone. It's been a little while since I've been online lol.
  13. DarcHiro

    Continue the Sentence!

    ...met a great adventurer, that...
  14. DarcHiro

    The Magical Vending Machine

    The robot Supervisor Greene from Fallout pops out and puts you in his game show, you win and receive 100 bottle caps. Puts in my broken headset.
  15. DarcHiro

    Ask Darc Anything!

    Oooh... I wish I knew more about JAVA, but sadly I only really could help you with questions on graphics... I am like you, in the fact that I only can deal with basics. There are a few people that get on here that might be able to help you... sorry I couldn't be any help.
  16. DarcHiro

    Parallax Mapping - Larger Maps

    The image I use comes directly from the rpg maker system, I do the editing there and print screen to allow for a larger image. Someone just recently mentioned to me that I might be able to use Orange's plugin to create a map screenshot in the rpg maker system. I'm going to try that out and see...
  17. DarcHiro

    Parallax Mapping - Larger Maps

    I've been working on my game for awhile now (Took many large breaks in between), but now that I am working on it again I was wondering if anyone knows how to create larger parallax maps. I usually see tutorials that say to print screen and edit it in Gimp or Photoshop, but if the maps exceed the...
  18. DarcHiro

    Sorry I've been gone again, my bf's dad passed away recently. The day after he passed he was...

    Sorry I've been gone again, my bf's dad passed away recently. The day after he passed he was cremated, and then he had a funeral in Mexico.
  19. DarcHiro

    Sorry, I disappeared because my bf's dad died. It happened super fast and the very next day he...

    Sorry, I disappeared because my bf's dad died. It happened super fast and the very next day he got cremated, then we went to Mexico to his funeral. Don't worry though I'm okay, he's the one that is having a hard time.
  20. DarcHiro

    HI New to Mv

    Oh that's pretty cool!