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Parallax Mapping - Larger Maps

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Studious Dark Lord
I've been working on my game for awhile now (Took many large breaks in between), but now that I am working on it again I was wondering if anyone knows how to create larger parallax maps. I usually see tutorials that say to print screen and edit it in Gimp or Photoshop, but if the maps exceed the size of your screen you can't do it that way...

Anyways your help would be most appreciated~


Staff member
If there a way to de-magnify the image you want to use as your parallax? I very often use maps in GIMP that are much larger than screen size. What I do is cut and paste it into Gimp, and then modify the VIEW until I can see the entire map. Make sure that you have already entered the current dimensions of the map into GIMP. Is there a certain sized parallax map that you desire to modify?

Also, how are you viewing the image you desire to use? Is it an image that you can view, and right click, and save as?


Studious Dark Lord
The image I use comes directly from the rpg maker system, I do the editing there and print screen to allow for a larger image. Someone just recently mentioned to me that I might be able to use Orange's plugin to create a map screenshot in the rpg maker system. I'm going to try that out and see if it works.
[doublepost=1465145090,1465144836][/doublepost]Looks like the plugin worked! Sorry, looks like it got solved! Use Orange's OrangeMapshot plugin
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