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Search results

  1. Volimance

    No time to rest on my laurels... back to work!

    No time to rest on my laurels... back to work!
  2. Volimance

    Graphics Spooky Halloween Battlers

    These are spooktacular!
  3. Volimance

    Completed Looking for original RMMV icon sheets

    Well thank you very much! How would you like to be credited? Ah I see the notation there on the thread! Thank you very much again!
  4. Volimance

    Completed Looking for original RMMV icon sheets

    That is super nice of you! Thank you so much! That's a yupper!
  5. Volimance

    Completed Looking for original RMMV icon sheets

    I appear to be failing miserably today, my bad. What I'm looking for the icons that are used to decorate skills/states/items. The default icon sheet is called Iconset.png and is in the img/system folder, and that's the one in particular I'm looking to enhance. I am a nood and I do desperately...
  6. Volimance

    Completed Looking for original RMMV icon sheets

    I sure do, and I still have the icon sheet that comes with it. I was just looking to see if I could find something that is non-default. Looking at the question as I worded it, I see that I have not expressed myself well. What I'm looking for is a new icon sheet (are some new icon sheets) to...
  7. Volimance

    Completed Looking for original RMMV icon sheets

    [updated, and hopefully clarified] What I'm looking for is a new icon sheet (or some new icon sheets plural) to use with or instead of the default icons that come with RMMV, but which are not the Ace/VX icons resized or recolored. Since I don't have the licenses for Ace or VX, I don't want to...
  8. Volimance

    Looking for art related weapons and icons

    Hey folks, Anyone know where I can find some images to use as both/either icons or weapon images for paint brushes, pencils, pens, palette, etc? Thanks in advance
  9. Volimance

    Time Engine

    Ah! The part I didn't understand was the relationship between the TE variables active 1 2 3 4 5 6 and the unit of time referenced. Thank you for your speedy response and for clearing this up for me!
  10. Volimance

    Time Engine

    So I'm new to RM, and have just about zero programming skills. Using this plugin how to I pass the specific information for, say, a day of the week or a month of the year to a variable. For instance, let's say i want t have a sale at the weapon store every Wednesday, and I want potions to be...
  11. Volimance

    Renaming Resources for the generator

    Yep. I just tried it too, and no luck. Nothing a clean reinstall and painstaking re-adding of resources. Thankfully I had only added two new "sets" of generator resources. When I get done with this first game, I'm gonna have to make tutorials for mac users. You know, of all the stuff I have...
  12. Volimance

    Renaming Resources for the generator

    Here's the situation. I'm adding a second round of generator parts to the actor generator. In the first round there were some parts that had only one "sub-part". When I added the second round of generator parts, there some with a similar name as parts in the first add, but were multipart. (the...
  13. Volimance

    Hello hello!

    Yeah my eight year old is really enjoying playing around with it. He is the kind of person who would rather figure everything out on his own, whereas I like to watch tutorials. My eldest is 15. She's kinda interested in the game, I'm not sure how much.
  14. Volimance

    Hello hello!

    Thank you all for your welcomes! I'm a mac/steam user so it's taken a little bit of extra determination to figure out even what I have so far. I basically alternate binging tutorials and game designing. Tonight I'm going to try to wrap my head around/ switches, self-switches, and variables in a...
  15. Volimance

    Hello hello!

    At long last I have now joined the ranks of rpg maker, uh, makers! I'm super excited to learn this art and share my games with folks. Right now I'm just working on a game for my kids, but who knows... maybe someday I'll make some really fun games for everyone.
  16. Volimance

    I'm new to rpg maker, but I am completely in love

    I'm new to rpg maker, but I am completely in love