Indie Dev

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Hello hello!


At long last I have now joined the ranks of rpg maker, uh, makers! I'm super excited to learn this art and share my games with folks. Right now I'm just working on a game for my kids, but who knows... maybe someday I'll make some really fun games for everyone.


Praised Adventurer
Good morning, @Volimance , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. Ask away if you think we can help, and we'd be glad to see your Project once it's up and running.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
That's awesome that you're working on a game for your kids. That is indeed awesome.

Hello there and welcome to the forums. I wish you the best of luck with your projects, and hope you enjoy your stay here!


Thank you all for your welcomes! I'm a mac/steam user so it's taken a little bit of extra determination to figure out even what I have so far. I basically alternate binging tutorials and game designing. Tonight I'm going to try to wrap my head around/ switches, self-switches, and variables in a hands on sort of fashion. Not to mention scouring the web for resources (and making proper notations so I can credit the authors and comply with licensing stuff)

My son won't let me develop the game in secret, he is always sneaking glances over my shoulder. It was insanely rewarding to see his face light up, switch into an "Oh-no!" gasp, and then break into a smile at all the right places.

When I get a first draft of the game done I'll be sure to share it!


Staff member
Hi @Volimance . Welcome to the community. Making a game for your kids is cool. Making game with your games is cooler. Kids making the games is even cooler. Depending on their ages, they may even fall into the last two categories. I have a 24 year-old and a 12 year-old that make games with RPG Maker.


Hi @Volimance . Welcome to the community. Making a game for your kids is cool. Making game with your games is cooler. Kids making the games is even cooler. Depending on their ages, they may even fall into the last two categories. I have a 24 year-old and a 12 year-old that make games with RPG Maker.

Yeah my eight year old is really enjoying playing around with it. He is the kind of person who would rather figure everything out on his own, whereas I like to watch tutorials. My eldest is 15. She's kinda interested in the game, I'm not sure how much.