Indie Dev

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  1. Lore


    Welcome to the forums @-YS-! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, as we are all here to help! :)
  2. Lore

    Hopefully here for the long haul. :D

    Welcome to the sheer insanity that is the forums! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, for we are all here to help. :) Further to what @Dad3353 said, I started out the same way. I agree with him too - put the maps aside and maybe work on something a little smaller (to cut your teeth on...
  3. Lore


    Good. >:3 I'm glad we're on the same page. >:D ROFL <3
  4. Lore


    Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :D
  5. Lore

    Sweet :3

    Sweet :3
  6. Lore

    When I get a chance I will download them :)

    When I get a chance I will download them :)
  7. Lore

    Thank you everyone

    I'm sorry I wasn't able to donate (yay for having to need to adult >.>) Glad to hear everything has worked out :)
  8. Lore


    The creator does indeed. @Killer Gin The game demo can be located here :)
  9. Lore

    I agree. :)

    I agree. :)
  10. Lore


    I actually haven't played all that many MV games to be quite honest, but one of the concept games on here called Killer Gin is actually quite good. you can find a demo in the Project Development forum. :)
  11. Lore

    Making my Action Battle System for MV

    Didn't see a thing :P
  12. Lore

    Lore's AMA Thread

    I would love no more than probably 2 kids, but 1 would would be fine. Any more than 2 may actually involve the wife killing me. XD Yep. There was an incident about 3 or 4 years ago. Don't want to really go into details, but it did involve various NSFW elements. My favourite genres are Country...
  13. Lore


    Welcome to the forums! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, as we are all here to help. :D
  14. Lore


    Welcome to the sheer insanity that we like to call the forums! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help! :D
  15. Lore

    Making my Action Battle System for MV

    Hi there @Indsh! This is actually the wrong forum for this. The Feedback, Help & Suggestions forum is relating to the site in general. I would suggest you put this in the Project Development forum. Hope this helps! :)
  16. Lore

    Ily too @[9987:@Mysiath] <3

    Ily too @[9987:@Mysiath] <3
  17. Lore

    Hot Dog {Capture Demo Updated} 3/26

    I have no words to describe how awesomely fantastic this is looking, and the #hype its generating for me. Oh wait, there's some words. I'll use those. :D Looking forward to seeing more! :D
  18. Lore

    Hi :)

    Hi :)
  19. Lore

    Just a few minor quirks/suggestions

    It might be the browser too, in relation to the menu scrolling down. It does it in Chrome, but I haven't tried in other browsers at all.
  20. Lore

    Just a few minor quirks/suggestions

    I think @Juneberry commented on this (the social media links) a few days ago. I know @Xyphien is deployed atm so he may not have had chance to look into it. As for the other stuff, I dunno. Sorry I can't be of more help. :)