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  1. Lore

    I see @[62:@Amysaurus] isn't giving out good scores. I would at least of rated it 11/10. Jeez Amy :P

    I see @[62:@Amysaurus] isn't giving out good scores. I would at least of rated it 11/10. Jeez Amy :P
  2. Lore

    New member!

    Welcome to the sheer insanity that we like to call the forums @Dunlap! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help. :)
  3. Lore

    Lore's AMA Thread

    I pretty much have an iron stomach for most things. :) I only tend to get nauseated when I have a headache/migraine. While I took several years of German, I can't really remember much (I can remember a few phrases and words, thats about it.) However, if the languages of Bad English and...
  4. Lore

    An Intro.

    Welcome to the sheer insanity that we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, because we are all here to help :) Easy questions are fine - always remember that the silliest questions are the ones not asked. :)
  5. Lore

    Ask an Admin

    Boo, you're no fun. Now back to your regularly scheduled topic!
  6. Lore

    Ask an Admin

    How about explosions!? Surely explosions will clear everything up! Can I maybe has explosions nao plz? kthx :D XD
  7. Lore

    Lore's AMA Thread

    As far as I know, we don't have Lucky Charms here in Australia. And we got it partly because of the subject matter, and partly because they were clearing their stock for like $1 a box.
  8. Lore

    Good job. You teach that procrastination a lesson! Go team!

    Good job. You teach that procrastination a lesson! Go team!
  9. Lore

    "This just in: Bruce Wayne has just been arrested on charges of incestual homicide. More at 11."

    "This just in: Bruce Wayne has just been arrested on charges of incestual homicide. More at 11."
  10. Lore

    Ask an Admin

    I didn't actually see their posts, so I don't know what happened there. So I can't say either way. I don't know why they were deleted. That would be an issue to be brought up with Xy (or whoever deleted them), probably in PM. I agree with that awkward cycle. And I certainly agree with the last...
  11. Lore

    ...and this is why we can't have nice things.

    ...and this is why we can't have nice things.
  12. Lore

    I have a long weekend. But I still only get 1 day off #firstworldproblems

    I have a long weekend. But I still only get 1 day off #firstworldproblems
  13. Lore

    Hello, it's me :v

    Welcome to the insanity we like to call the forums! :D If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :D We're all here to help :)
  14. Lore

    It's nearly Sunday here. XD

    It's nearly Sunday here. XD
  15. Lore

    Watching Red Vs Blue (Season 8) :D

    Watching Red Vs Blue (Season 8) :D
  16. Lore

    Feeling rather depressed due to various things going on. :( Really not feeling great.

    Feeling rather depressed due to various things going on. :( Really not feeling great.
  17. Lore

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Good luck with that. :P

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Good luck with that. :P
  18. Lore

    Either that or nail their hand to said bat THEN swing it at their head.

    Either that or nail their hand to said bat THEN swing it at their head.
  19. Lore

    Ask an Admin

    Just touching briefly on the colour issue, I too would love to see a selection of colours we could use instead of the standard yellow/gold for sponsors/partners. But of course it would depend on what the ease of implementing such a feature would be. @sage I think what @Cunechan is asking here...
  20. Lore

    Lore's AMA Thread

    I don't really care, to be perfectly honest. :) Haha. I actually have this thing with Chocolate-flavoured things. Don't get me wrong, I love chocolate, but when it comes to chocolate flavoured things like chocolate ice cream... I just can't stand it. My favourite flavour of ice cream is...