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  1. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I made several skills actually function today, and, using advice from the world map thread, started on my world map and my first town and dungeon!
  2. Luninareph

    Advice on making world maps

    Because of your post, I was considering this problem as well when I started on my world map last night. I think I found a solution for myself: there's a little sign graphic on the world map set that I think I'm going to put down on the entrance and exits for sprawling dungeon-y areas like...
  3. Luninareph

    Goal: make something vaguely resembling a demo to send to my friend this weekend. Got to get...

    Goal: make something vaguely resembling a demo to send to my friend this weekend. Got to get these plugins coordinated and some maps made!
  4. Luninareph

    Advice on making world maps

    I LOVE this. I didn't know most of this; thank you for the information! I'm going to try and keep that in mind. ...I've never thought of that. That seems like a fantastic way to start!!! I'll give that a shot, thank you! :)
  5. Luninareph

    Advice on making world maps

    Sure? But there are lots of other things I can be working on as well, and honestly, this was intended to kind of discuss world maps in a more general sense, not just for me and not just for one project of mine. Especially because designing a world map can be helpful for figuring things out: how...
  6. Luninareph

    Advice on making world maps

    Probably from the tilesets, at least for the moment. I'm still getting used to MV and learning/unlearning/relearning everything I knew from earlier versions. Uploading new tilesets looks complicated, so I'm apprehensive... although maybe it's not as bad as it looks?
  7. Luninareph

    Advice on making world maps

    Does anybody have any tips for how to make good world maps? For some reason I find designing them quite difficult.
  8. Luninareph

    Do games inspire you to make/work on your project?

    I absolutely experience this. It's kind of bad, actually, because sometimes I'll be working on something very happily and then I play a game of a different genre or listen to some music with a unique feel to it and I have an idea for an entirely new project that I suddenly want to work on...
  9. Luninareph

    Character Costume Design

    Thank you! I'm glad ^_^ I like the idea of creating entirely logical costumes for characters, but that takes so many creative and visually appealing options away from you. I mean... that would mean no dresses for anybody going into combat, ever, and that is just unbearable to think about. Where...
  10. Luninareph

    Character Costume Design

    I try to strike that fine line between "memorable" and "logical." It's okay, for example, to give that chick gravity-defying hair... if she is, perhaps, a mage, and therefore might be able to defy the laws of physics. Or if she's particularly vain and would use the metric ton of hair gel every...
  11. Luninareph

    Oooh, that certainly sounds promising. Thanks for the heads up :)

    Oooh, that certainly sounds promising. Thanks for the heads up :)
  12. Luninareph

    Yay resources!

    Yay resources!
  13. Luninareph

    Hello everyone!

    Greetings and salutations! I've been messing around with game design since I was about seven and RPG Makers since XP. I've never really managed to finish an RPG Maker project, in part because real life is a crazy thing and in part because I am crap at scripting and mapping and sprite editing...