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  1. Luninareph

    Enhanced Maps

    You're welcome! Best of luck with your project! :)
  2. Luninareph

    What scripts would you like made?

    Somebody please correct me if this already exists, but a plugin that made it simple to have spells attached to pieces of equipment would be great. (That is, you equip the Fire Bangle and you can cast Fire; take it off and you lose the ability; equip the Ice Bangle instead and you can now cast...
  3. Luninareph

    Enhanced Maps

    Perhaps parallax mapping is what you're searching for? Fallen Lorelei has a tutorial on it that I found quite informative:
  4. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I finished the biggest dungeon I've ever made--a twenty-seven-screen maze!--and made a ruined town and a new character!
  5. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I think it looks great!! Kind of makes me think of those old "Spy vs Spy" things, although that might just be the monochrome. Today I finished some of the massive map influx from yesterday, planned the layout for the biggest two dungeons of the lot, and got about halfway through designing one...
  6. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Good grief, I added so many maps today. Very few of them are finished, but most of them have gotten some kind of work put into them, even if just a rough outline. I also finished the last third of my first dungeon, which I hadn't been looking forward to doing but went pretty easily, and created...
  7. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I added two new characters and their classes, fixed the bugs my friend found (I think,) made some more of my world map, and started work on a new port town!
  8. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I added story, SO MUCH STORY, and did tons of testing to make sure none of the sequences bugged out partway through. Oh man, there was a lot to fix XD; But I think I got it to a point where it's not going to break, and I gave it to my friend to playtest!
  9. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Yesterday I did a bunch of storytelling dialogue, constructing the initial scaffold of storytelling enough to get from place to place. Today, I give it to my friend to test out for me! Here's hoping it doesn't break immediately into a thousand buggy pieces XD;
  10. Luninareph

    [Commission] Croc's Music and Voice

    Wow, I LOVE your music!!! The tropical remix of "Warrior Dance" is so marvelously evocative. I quite liked Princess Isa's theme, but I think I would like the harp version even better! "Tale of the Cursed Lantern" honestly didn't resonate with me as much as I expected it would, but I quite liked...
  11. Luninareph

    Advice on making world maps

    Oh man, that balance is so important, in all maps, big small world or otherwise. It's trickier than you'd think it would be, too! You go in thinking, "Of course I would know if I put too much stuff down," and then before you know it there's barely space to walk from side to side and you have to...
  12. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today I made two new player characters, another third of my first dungeon, a bunch of enemy attacks, and two new towns!
  13. Luninareph

    Tales of the Lumminai Story Ideas

    Sure, I have Skype. When should we talk? PM me the details.
  14. Luninareph

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    "EEEEEEEE! It's TEEEEEEEE!" is really making me laugh for some reason XD
  15. Luninareph

    Tales of the Lumminai

    So, um, I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but I just played through your demo! The Lucia side, anyway. I have some feedback! Pros: I love the "click and you'll move there" system. Lucia and Lumi have distinguishable personalities and believable rapport. The fight against Laguiz was...
  16. Luninareph

    Tales of the Lumminai Story Ideas

    Really?! I mean, I would love to--making characters is my favorite thing to do--but I wouldn't want to step on anybody's toes in your project. But I would love to be of assistance if I can!
  17. Luninareph

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today I made a bunch of healer skills, a few NPCs for the first real town, and one third of the first dungeon! I'm going to give what I have to my friend this weekend to test for me, so I'm working on getting as much operational as possible.
  18. Luninareph

    Tales of the Lumminai Story Ideas

    Well... there's a limit to how much I can really say with just the information from this thread, but I can say that the thing I like most about the Aeons is that they have barrels more personality than any other incarnation of the FF summons--and yes, that includes the ones like FF6 (my personal...
  19. Luninareph

    Tales of the Lumminai Story Ideas

    Good luck! I'm a big fan of FFX's Aeons--my favorite summoning system in any FF game--so your Pact Linking sounds most intriguing. If you need ideas, you could try checking out Tales of Zestiria; its Armatization system sounds similar to your Pact Linking and may be useful to investigate (unless...
  20. Luninareph

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    I'm no great shakes at mapping, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but here are my impressions. I think it looks quite nice! I really like the banners and the alternating flower boxes on the first screenshot, and I love the lamppost placement and the street arrangement in the second one...