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Search results

  1. Starbird

    Graphics I would appreciate feed back on my sprite....

    looks pretty good to me - the only thing i can think of is maybe lighten a few areas or provide some bright lines of contrast -- i can imagine on a darker map that char might look a bit murky. just my tuppence...
  2. Starbird

    RMMV Adventurer's Hideaway [Deleted]

    Starbird updated RMMV Adventurer's Hideaway with a new update entry: RMMV Adventurer's Hideaway - cleaned up Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Starbird

    [Scripting] - How to call a plugin command in script

    LTN, just wanted to drop a quick note to say that this thread explained SO MUCH to me about how RMMV is working internally. I searched for two days and couldn't find this info -- thank you so so much! I owe ya one, seriously.
  4. Starbird

    Starbird - Church Interior - RTP Edits [Deleted]

    Starbird updated Chapel with a new update entry: RMMV Chapel Tileset Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Starbird

    Starbird - Church Interior - RTP Edits [Deleted]

    Starbird updated Chapel with a new update entry: RMMV Chapel Tileset Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Starbird

    Starbird - Church Interior - RTP Edits [Deleted]

    Starbird updated Chapel with a new update entry: RMMV Chapel Tileset 0.8 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Starbird

    [Scripting] - How to call a plugin command in script

    I'm using Darkkitten's text input plugin and I would like to be able to pass it arguments directly from a script instead of eventing the plugin command. Does anyone happen to know how to call a plugin command via javascript?
  8. Starbird

    Horror Tiles [Deleted]

    Starbird updated Horror Tiles with a new update entry: Mechanic/Organic Horror Tiles Updated -- artifacts removed Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Starbird

    Arcade Games, Pinball Machines, Skee Ball + More [Deleted]

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Arcade Games, Pinball Machines, Skee Ball + More - Various arcade games, pinball, skee ball, and pool tables Read more about this resource...
  10. Starbird

    Gore and Horror Tileset [Deleted]

    yes, good call. Will expand the set with male victim char. Thanks for reply and suggestions!
  11. Starbird

    Gore and Horror Tileset [Deleted]

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Bathroom Gore - Horror Tileset - Extremely gory tiles for bathroom horror scene Read more about this resource...
  12. Starbird

    Starbird - jumpStart Plugin - Skip Title, Autoload, 1-Step Save

    Starbird submitted a new resource: jumpStart - Skip Title, Autoload, 1-Step Save - Skip Title, Autoload Saved Game, 1-Step Save, 1 Save Slot + permaDeath parameter Read more about this resource...
  13. Starbird

    RPG Maker Starbird - jumpStart Plugin - Skip Title, Autoload, 1-Step Save 2016-04-22

    jumpStart is a super simple plugin to change Save dynamics in your game. This resource is completely FREE to use, but you can DONATE to support the creation of more free resources here: How It Works: -Skips title screen -Autoloads saved file if there is one...
  14. Starbird

    Starbird - Church Interior - RTP Edits [Deleted]

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Chapel - Just a small chapel set Read more about this resource...
  15. Starbird

    Food Tiles [Deleted]

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Food Tiles - improved food with sushi, veggies and more Read more about this resource...
  16. Starbird

    Sushi, Vegetables, and More! [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  17. Starbird

    Search: Laboratory + Steampunk Tiles

    sure that makes sense -- the steampunk part in your original post threw me off i guess. later tonight i'll work on some tiles along the lines of what you mentioned above. thanks for providing some more detail about what you're looking for!
  18. Starbird

    Search: Laboratory + Steampunk Tiles

    whoa! look at all that gorgeous art! i have a tileset with an empty tank that i'll put below (it also has some basic steampunk style lab equipment). as Cyanide said, you'll have to put the glass over your sprite or for a quick workaround you can play with the opacity and blending mode of the...
  19. Starbird

    Search: Laboratory + Steampunk Tiles

    I don't know if any of the tiles below might be the kind of thing you're looking for. Cyanide and I were considering doing some steampunk and laboratory tiles in the near future. Besides the water tanks, what other kind of objects would you like to see in the laboratory? (the tiles below...
  20. Starbird

    Sushi, Vegetables, and More! [Deleted]

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Sushi, Vegetables, and More! - An improved food and beverage tileset Read more about this resource...