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Search results

  1. Tuomo L

    Adventures of a Dragon

    A bit of a mistake on my part there, I had that when I had these RPG Maker generator placeholder sprites. That art is actually used in game for the mugshots and menus, I'm not the artist, I'm not nearly good enough for the levels of stuff that are gonna be in the game. I removed that line since...
  2. Tuomo L

    Adventures of a Dragon

    Adventures of a Dragon Aventures of a Dragon is a satirical fantasy RPG made by me, done on RPG Maker MV. The game features hand drawn battlers, bust, face and cutscene assets but I am looking for people who'll help with other parts of the game. This game has some mature themes and deals...
  3. Tuomo L

    Screenshot Critique

    Graphical update; playing around with the first of the custom sprites, the main protagonist. Poor RTP guard seems jealous when he's still so tiny and chibi.
  4. Tuomo L

    RETRO Black and White RPG Games

    We've talked a lot about using b&w but we're forgetting something that is very stylized and yet preserves the color information which would be lost in pure b&w. Sepia tones, which can have any varying colors even though most people immediattly think dark brown-reddish. However, Sepia tones can...
  5. Tuomo L

    RETRO Black and White RPG Games

    I did a psychological triller with the black and white with big contrast with the blood and some accented colors only being shown in color. For example, in my avatar, the girl would be totally black and white aside the purple in her bow and shirt that'd be shown in colors. Blood was also always...
  6. Tuomo L

    Screenshot Critique

    Tutorial town, now with fixed waters and ingame look.
  7. Tuomo L

    Prompt Contest Winners!

    Hooray! Can we get a private message about our prompts and what you guys thought about them? I'd love to hear what made you guys like my idea so much that I got the prize. (puppy eyes)
  8. Tuomo L

    Screenshot Critique

    Still working on the starting "tutorial town."
  9. Tuomo L

    Sure, mine's pretty crazy too so don't be hanging around waiting, it'll be done when I have the...

    Sure, mine's pretty crazy too so don't be hanging around waiting, it'll be done when I have the time. :P
  10. Tuomo L

    Site has bad certification

    The owner of has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website. Learn more… (Errorcode: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain) I think that the host uses a shared SSL certificate, tied to the hosting...
  11. Tuomo L

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Here's my progress, some flora and tree improvements.
  12. Tuomo L

    If you want to credit me "Tuomo L" is fine enough. I'll do the charaset edit later since some...

    If you want to credit me "Tuomo L" is fine enough. I'll do the charaset edit later since some people have been requesting it, I had ideas for it already.
  13. Tuomo L

    RTP Toon Lore

    Well, you could use the same way of making names. A custom party done in same way could be something like Jason Annie Vince Anthony Sebastian Cynthia Richard Iisac Pauline Tanya You can use this to create easter eggs and unique names as well. Just food for a thought.
  14. Tuomo L

    RTP Toon Lore

    You're actually wrong. Technically there is a pattern in way of creating RPG Maker character names if you want to get technical, every single preset adventurer party creates an acronym of sorts. The only one that doesn't is 2003. 2000 (Default Actors) Alex Brian Carol Daisy Enryuu Falcon...
  15. Tuomo L

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Great, then it works! The game's a satirical parody game. (glad)
  16. Tuomo L

    Prompt Contest!

    Just checking, we'rer sending these as a private message to RMMV, right?
  17. Tuomo L

    Notice board with notices

    Tuomo L submitted a new resource: Notice board with notices - Notice board, with actual notices! Read more about this resource...
  18. Tuomo L

    RPG Maker Notice board with notices 2016-01-28

    Something that really got under my skin was that the outside B had notice board but there was seemingly no way to put a note on it. So I took the note that was in inside B and merged the two to create notice boards with actual note. I am sharing this simple edit for all of you to use if you are...
  19. Tuomo L

    Vibrant Battlers

    I could, I have some time this week-end. Anything specific you wanted?
  20. Tuomo L

    Vibrant Battlers

    Interesting, I generally made the whites whiter and darks darker. I didn't even think of making just the darks darker, interesting idea!