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  1. Holder

    I prefer the lighter theme, it goes nicely with the red.

    I prefer the lighter theme, it goes nicely with the red.
  2. Holder

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    I'm going to focus on improvements that can be made, nothings wrong with it but there's things that can assist you further. It's rather bright, what background did you work on it with? You've got the background colour in with the sprite which can cause transparency problems. I don't know if it...
  3. Holder

    [Editor] Where's MVs RTP?

    This is sorted now, it's a shame they chose to do this as a lot of the time people just want to be able to check graphics and do their own.
  4. Holder

    New Animated Battlers creation

    I need help, not just someone to come and do something for me, but work with me and create an alternative/similar animated battler system for MV. Why am I wanting to do this? Well there's problems, rather issues with the default animated system which people have noted, from issues with the...
  5. Holder

    My big issues with MV

    It's still early days really, it's like this every time a new engine is released, aside from Ace which didn't differ that much from VX. I was working on my battlers and designing the layout of them with a couple of scripters coming up to the launch of Ace which is why a lot of them were done for...
  6. Holder

    MV Resource development

    Oh gawd I didn't realise that the image host was doing that. Yeah, I've got it and it's also transparent. At least it was transparent...
  7. Holder

    MV Resource development

    I normally made each battler hold a few different weapons, and sometimes I had to have a battler stand a certain way because of the weapon they're holding. Now I've not seen an actual weapon graphic file (I've seen the blank template) but I would like it if anyone can share a few. ALSO if...
  8. Holder


    Hey reisen, I remember RPG Cafe was a nice place. Thank you, I'll be trying to look into a few things to do with them in MV.
  9. Holder

    Ask Holder Anything

    Gotta be a nice cup of tea.
  10. Holder

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  11. Holder

    Ask Holder Anything

    I must say the Alerts are making keeping up to date with everything much easier.
  12. Holder

    MV Resource development

    Hey nice seeing you once again @Lato :) it has been a really long time. The proportions themselves I did years ago and was testing a faster way of doing things. When I was originally designing them I looked at many different games and needed movement firstly before anything @Wize1 I found that...
  13. Holder

    [Editor] Where's MVs RTP?

    I don't own the software, I'm looking for the image files that come separately. I don't make games any more and just need the files for size reference and how they work - ie the auto tiles.
  14. Holder

    MV Resource development

    I neglected to mention I don't have the software, I don't make games any more I just do resources. The newer one is 'painted' rather than pixel work so that comes with the negative blurred effect but the positive additional detail (like the boot shape and clothing details) I can include.
  15. Holder

    MV Resource development

    I've been looking into the style and workings of MVs resources, still haven't found the RTP yet but the battler was where I wanted to start. I tend to do a lot of trial and error when I work and truthfully I bin a load of graphics I'm not happy with without showing any of it, anyway I'm...
  16. Holder

    Ask Holder Anything

    Take all my gold, but all my monies fold.
  17. Holder

    [Editor] Where's MVs RTP?

    I've been looking for a bit for the RTP for MV, I've come across people talking about DLC (Which to be honest I'm shocked at but that's a different topic) which isn't what I'm after. What I need to work on anything is the core graphics to hopefully figure out how they work before I can create...
  18. Holder

    Ask Holder Anything

    Wow erm, well in general it was back when I first started creating games. The engine came with limited resources and that would've been around '97 an early build of the games factory I think. As for RM sprites it was when I joined RpgRevolution and wanted a unique looking game, that was '06...
  19. Holder

    Did you know...? Scrolling Parallaxes

    This may be a returning feature, I recall doing this for star fields and slow walking cut scenes. I could be wrong though it has been a while. Always nice for new tutorials though as it helps everyone.
  20. Holder

    Ask Holder Anything
