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Search results

  1. Holder

    RPG Maker Holders Pet MAG Animated Battlers 2015-11-08

    Contains all of the Pets which are based on Mags from Phantasy Star Online. These are only one pose row to be used with a pet script, this will enable these Pets to follow behind the animated battlers and can be used for various functions depending on the script/configuration used. These Pets...
  2. Holder

    Holders Animated Battlers 1st Gen

    Holder submitted a new resource: Holders Animated Battlers 1st Gen - Contains all or my first batch of animated battlers. Read more about this resource...
  3. Holder

    RPG Maker Holders Animated Battlers 1st Gen 2015-11-08

    Contains all or my first batch of animated battlers before the format alternation. Pose order is not altered however these will not match any job classes from my later battlers from 2014 onwards. These battlers can be used with animated battler scripts for RPG Maker VXAce, RPG Maker VX and RPG...
  4. Holder

    New Animated Battlers creation

    So is it just frame over frame or is it a certain coordinates from 0,0 of the battler frame? Actually the main thing that's really needed is the sheet being able to be used. How would you feel about trying to get a plug in that used my battler sheet itself? I've tried generators before in the...
  5. Holder

    Any preference when working with hidden shop items?

    I think collapsing it looks a lot better, plus what would happen if there was a 12th item? Would the user have to scroll down just to see it, that and if there was only items 1 2 and 4 available it would be a massive gap where people may not think to keep scrolling down. I know the arrow is...
  6. Holder

    MV master plugin list

    It would be nice even if it was just the text file. Like if I had scripts from RPG Revolution or RMVX reposting is a no go area, things are kinda lost in time.
  7. Holder

    Resource staff?

    I'm not wanting to put a downer on the idea but it is sometimes really hard to get this done on a regular basis. Especially when some resources take longer to make than others and even harder if you wanted to theme it. Paid resources, that's where I dislike things, it brings up so much necessary...
  8. Holder

    RM Skill

    I just have that effect on people, spreading the love of pixel art. Cheers for adding it :)
  9. Holder


    Same Holder :) it's just been a year break for me and I noticed someone talking about this place on YouTube. Have you done any MV content yet? It's been strange working with the difference in size.
  10. Holder

    RM Skill

    I just went to set my RM Skill and noticed there's no spriter option. I know there'd be a lot of things you could put in there but I think spriter would be a normal one.
  11. Holder


    Greets Pine, I did pretty much the same thing. This is a really nice community, I'm still in the getting to know people phase.
  12. Holder

    New Animated Battlers creation

    Any help is always welcome, all I was able to find is someone asking about my battlers so there's literally nothing available for MV yet. I've also not even had a chance to speak to someone who knows Java script as to how the weapon graphic sheet works in relation to the battler sheet.
  13. Holder

    Particle System in MV?

    That's cool, I tend to like subtle effects with particles - some tend to overdo it. It's always a nice thing to have especially for custom weather effects.
  14. Holder

    Ask Holder Anything

    I left Secondary School with 8 GCSEs C+s (Not sure of equivalent now or abroad) and a National Diploma in computers and Networking.
  15. Holder

    New Animated Battlers creation

    Thank you @Orange Ball I'm working on them once again. I'm pretty much on my own as I think @TheGoof has moved elsewhere. I'll do what I did for XPs Minkoff Battle system, just keep making them and if the desire for people to use them is there I'm sure someone will create a plug in for them...
  16. Holder

    Ask Holder Anything

    Gordon Walker with other bits that sound too fancy :P
  17. Holder

    Since there is no goodbye thread... goodbye.

    Catch you in the future sometime, stay safe.
  18. Holder

    MV master plugin list

    I'm pleased it wasn't just me. It looks like it's working fine now. Just one thought, is there any way of creating an internal backup and not just external links? The amount of created content that's gone/lost/moved over the years is such a waste.
  19. Holder

    MV master plugin list

    At first I thought this was something different to what it actually is. A fantastic system indeed. Is there changes going on with it? Every one I click gives a 'Oops something went wrong message.
  20. Holder

    Back from Hiatus

    Welcome back