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Search results

  1. Holder

    Waves in Holder

    I will, I've got four new animated battlers done so far. I've been updating animatedbattlers.wordpress with as much information as I can.
  2. Holder

    Waves in Holder

    Waves I've started working on my Animated Battlers again so I'm around trying to spread the word once again. This place has had quite a overhaul, I recognise a few names, Amysaurus CTBolt but there could be more I'm not seeing. Aluxes/Estelle/Elicia are my old ones.
  3. Holder

    New Animated Battlers creation

    I've found that MV doesn't have that option anymore so I'd have to create them with transparent backgrounds for the next generation. That's really nice work Tsukehime :) would you mind if I asked a few questions in regards to what can be done with the graphics? I don't want to fully complete...
  4. Holder

    TileD and the new JS Plugin

    Original Topic: Posting this here as I'm really wanting to spread the awareness of this. Now I've used TileD for many, many years now for testing out my tilesets rather than importing them via RM. Sadly when VX came around they...
  5. Holder

    Christmas Around the Corner?!

    It would be nice to have a light version but I can also see how that could be hard to do. Perhaps just to complicate things further an ice version to give it a more blueish tealish whiteish look <3 That scavenger hunt for the mascot sounds like fun for people. Too time consuming for me but...
  6. Holder

    MVStripper - Remove Unwanted Assets

    I could understand that @Amysaurus if it were one of the console RMs, but the end user still works with files and folders whilst then managing the database internally. Like not having the importer and exporter shows that they didn't intend for people to do what this tool does, if you know what I...
  7. Holder

    MVStripper - Remove Unwanted Assets

    A great tool but it does make you think as to why they did it that way in the first place.
  8. Holder

    Oh how I love all the maths involved with these battlers...

    Oh how I love all the maths involved with these battlers...
  9. Holder

    Holders Animated Battlers 1st Gen

    That's something I'm working on at the moment and there's a couple of people who've been looking into making a plugin which works with them.
  10. Holder

    New Animated Battlers creation

    Yeah they'd work fine for that, I've seen two made over the years. First one was like 'Tales of' not sure which one, and the second one was made by Galv which was more one on one: Is that the sort of ones that you mean or is it a four directional system? If it is that then there's no up or down...
  11. Holder

    New Animated Battlers creation

    That'd be great, I worked with a few people for VX Ace and they all put their unique touch to it. People like Victor Saint kept adding various add-ons to it while Galv did things like a fighting mini game. If you would like to that is. I should have a MV standard base done soon, they're gonna...
  12. Holder

    Holders ISO Character Template

    Holder submitted a new resource: Holders ISO Character Template - Character template sheet for use with Isometric battle system Read more about this resource...
  13. Holder

    RPG Maker Holders ISO Character Template 1.0

    An Isometric Animated Battler requested by GubiD (2013) completed early 2014. Each frame is 64x64 and pose order is within the sprite sheet.
  14. Holder

    Holders Monster Animated Battlers

    I think I seen one at .web however it was to be used with the default MV format. I don't think anyone has made a compatible one for my sheets yet.
  15. Holder

    Missing reply

    Cheers, saved me from going mental there trying to find it. The resource area takes a bit getting used to.
  16. Holder

    Missing reply This is the thread where it came from, now it's just possibly they found the answer to their question and removed it knowing now that they can do that.
  17. Holder

    Missing reply

    I received an E-mail letting me know I had a reply on a topic I'd not long made, however I cant find the reply anywhere. So going back to my E-mail I followed the link given and it takes me to my post with no reply. Now I can see the reply in the E-mail - as in read what it says and who it's...
  18. Holder

    Holders Monster Animated Battlers

    Holder submitted a new resource: Holders Monster Animated Battlers - Contains all or my first batch of animated battlers before the move to MV. Read more about this resource...
  19. Holder

    RPG Maker Holders Monster Animated Battlers 2015-11-08

    Contains all or my first batch of animated battlers before the move to MV. Pose order is not altered however later battlers from 2016 onwards may be altered in size. These battlers can be used with animated battler scripts for RPG Maker VXAce, RPG Maker VX, RPG Maker XP and MV Plugins. I can...
  20. Holder

    Holders Pet MAG Animated Battlers

    Holder submitted a new resource: Holders Pet MAG Animated Battlers - Contains all or my pet MAG animated battlers. Read more about this resource...