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Search results

  1. Barchetta

    Plugin Menu System - Kriemhild

    Best of luck! I would love to see a nice CMS of this style.
  2. Barchetta

    Generator Part Fix

    No credit can go to me for this is a simple fix to a generator part that was flawed in the MV TV Male folder. If you feel like crediting me for posting the fix, by all means but please give credit to Kadokawa/Enterbrain Didn't want to upload this as 2 separate files in the completed...
  3. Barchetta

    Plugin 3D ReBirth Battle System

    Well forgive my mistake then, haha. I don't even know why I worry about fps, honestly. My laptop can handle overkill ENB Skyrim so I suppose this would run just fine. I've been without my big laptop for months so I've gotten use to the Surface Pro 3 and its lack of processing power.
  4. Barchetta

    Plugin 3D ReBirth Battle System

    I may not use this because I can't imagine the amount of lag that might come from running the scripts needed for it but I will definitely pay attention to this. This here would be a truly professional level script. I look forward to seeing your progress.
  5. Barchetta

    Graphics Character Templates based on different XP Templates

    Yea, with parallax mapping, light overlays and lighting systems, and of course custom styled tilesets, this will look absolutely perfect. No resource released comes without some sort of limitation. As a template, it requires editing anyway. This resource is more or less meant for the more...
  6. Barchetta

    Graphics Character Templates based on different XP Templates

    Bwahaha didn't realize they weren't yours! I really should read first posts sometimes. I am really bad at that. Haven't truly been part of a forum in awhile. My join date on was back in 2013 but I had 0 posts until a couple weeks ago! xD Been busy with life and only just...
  7. Barchetta

    Graphics Character Templates based on different XP Templates

    I feel the heads are a tiny bit too.... fat? I don't know. I'm sure once I tack on hair, it'll look just fine. Great work and perhaps when I make my 2nd game and I go all out, I'll upgrade to tall everything. Definitely going to add this to my resources hard disk :)
  8. Barchetta

    New here

    Best of luck to you, friend! Plenty of people around who can help you here, including myself :) If you ever need help with English dialogue, feel free to PM me with your work. I would be more than happy to decipher and get what you're trying to say across :) I do it all the time for my wife...
  9. Barchetta

    Music Feedback

    Very good stuff. I'm not making a sci-fi game but if I was, I'd be ecstatic about including your works. Keep up the great work!
  10. Barchetta

    Simple Skill Leveling

    Another beautiful script. Adding you to favorites, sir. Though these are simple additions to the editor, it's scripts and plug-ins like this that can really adjust the way the game plays out. I'm not much of a fan of the damage algorithms in the game because I'm not very good at balancing...
  11. Barchetta

    Simple Mercenaries

    This is a beautiful creation! I can see this being extremely helpful to handle all the little extra characters that may tag along during my game! From siding with fellow imperials during an enemy attack to assisting pirates on the open seas in battle instead of having a ton of detailed actors...
  12. Barchetta

    Maru's little Advent Project

    Beautiful as always! Never a let down when it comes to your work!
  13. Barchetta

    Graphics Amy's Pixel Junk

    Oh my, these graphics make me want to dump the serious tone of my game and make something more joyous! I love the busts a lot! I feel like adding a bloom effect to the game would really bring out the worth of your graphics. Keep up the great work! On a side note, I feel like there needs to be a...
  14. Barchetta

    SCRIPT REQUEST: Better Choice menu w/ message?

    Well I knew it wouldn't be long before I was here asking for something, so I apologize for being a beggar so soon, haha. My Request: I am in early development of my game still and I've already encountered something that is bugging me. Perhaps what I'm about to ask for already exists but I've...
  15. Barchetta

    The Real You picture threddo!

    That is correct. I'm in the USN for at least another 6 months
  16. Barchetta

    Barchetta - Writer, developer, mechanic, etc.

    Haha well thanks for the warm welcome guys. Been awhile since I've been in a forum so I decided to go for the good first impression :)
  17. Barchetta

    I'm planning some very diabolical encounters in my game. I really want to player to feel that...

    I'm planning some very diabolical encounters in my game. I really want to player to feel that the game is not linear. Want them to, based on the decisions, meet coniditions that could unveil some of the strongest enemies in the game at any given time
  18. Barchetta

    Aww that makes me sad. :( you're not missing much really. 5 had a pretty serious story, the item...

    Aww that makes me sad. :( you're not missing much really. 5 had a pretty serious story, the item world is now endless (stats still cap) and there's a spell caster that can literally one shot the screen. (30% chance per enemy with SPD less than hers.) Games DLC does leave much to be desired...
  19. Barchetta

    Celtic Design TileSet 1.0 [Deleted]

    I vote make 3 versions! 1 with tiles 1 with logs 1 with hay as in movies such as the Beaveheart
  20. Barchetta

    Celtic Design TileSet 1.0 [Deleted]

    I feel that the lighting gives it more of an Asian look rather than Celtic. Might I suggest stone bases for the buildings and some darker colors? Other than that, it looks great. You have way more talent with tile sets than I'll ever have.