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Simple Skill Leveling 1.1

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Mr. Trivel

Praised Adventurer
Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource:

Simple Skill Leveling - Upgrade skills after using it for a while.

Name: Simple Skill Leveling
Version: 1.0
Author: Mr. Trivel
Created: 2015-11-27

What does it do?
Skills change to their stronger or different versions after X uses.

Nothing to really show here.

How to use?
To make skill change after using it for a while, use the following tag:
<LevelUpTo: [ID], [USES]>
[ID] - Skill ID to change it to
[USES] - After how many uses change it to that skill

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Another beautiful script. Adding you to favorites, sir. Though these are simple additions to the editor, it's scripts and plug-ins like this that can really adjust the way the game plays out. I'm not much of a fan of the damage algorithms in the game because I'm not very good at balancing skills. Aside from that, skills that should still be useful later in the game end up losing their usefulness due to their lack of damage but this here can get rid of that problem entirely. Thanks for this!


Towns Guard

First, thank for this plugin. It became the core of my gameplay.

I would like to suggest if possible to make some upgrade to it, for example :
- be able to combine multiple skills to unlock new skill.
<Learn Require Skill: [ID], [ID], [USES]>
<Learn Require Skill: [ID] to [ID], [USES]>

These tags would be put in the new skill notes
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Mr. Trivel, i tried running your plugin and it does not learn the new skills. Does this plugin need to be below or above any others, and/or do you need both the levelup code and require code for it to work properly? I dont get any error in my console so i cant post any errors either..=(