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  1. Run

    Plugin Developer Needed -

    Learning game huh, I'm quite fond of teaching so I'm interested in doing it if Boy Who Codes hasn't taken care of it yet.
  2. Run

    Change Certain Map Part Within Game?

    I believe there's a "region map loader" plugin that meets your needs. Haven't used it myself, but looks like what you need. Let's you change specific tiles on the map to different tiles.
  3. Run

    Game Maker and Copy Editor

    Welcome to the forum! Not making a game at the moment.. But if I decide to I'll keep you in mind for the dialogue editing, it's really not my kinda think tbh. :P Good luck with your games!
  4. Run

    Parallax mapper from Italy joins the fray!

    Hey, welcome to the forum :) Curious, what game did you make?
  5. Run

    im new here

    I've actually never had a taco...
  6. Run

    Hey hey MJM here

    Hey there, congrats on your first post :P If you need an additional scripter for IGMC then hit me up. Otherwise, I wish you luck with your entry :D
  7. Run

    Hey there

    Hey AniMANIA7983, welcome to the forum :)
  8. Run

    Hey Everybody

    Hey Naz, looking forward to see what you create :) Just ask if you need any help.
  9. Run

    N00b looking for great event tutorials

    Hi, welcome to the forum :) As for tutorials, I know Driftwood Gaming has a "let's make a game" series. Haven't watched it myself, but seen a few of his other rpgmaker mv videos and they're pretty good.
  10. Run


    Upload in the resources section. Or make a thread in one of the resource related sections of the forums. And welcome to the forum Lucmaster :)
  11. Run

    Change terms shown on the menu screen?

    It's possible to remove them. There's likely some menu plugins existing already for it, as custom menus are popular, just look around. If not, I'll make one later today when I have more free time.
  12. Run

    Probability of Success with Events

    I actually created a Success Checker plugin, it's in resources. It should help make stuff like this simpler.
  13. Run

    RMMV - Parameter-based success chance

    Plugin is up. Would appreciate some feedback. :)
  14. Run

    Success Checker

    Run submitted a new resource: Success Checker - Allows for more easily adding elements of chance to a game. Read more about this resource...
  15. Run

    RPG Maker Success Checker 1.0

    This plugin is allowed for Commercial Use. Link backs and/or crediting are not necessary but would be appreciated. Success Checker Provides functionality for more easily adding elements of chance to a game. Commands: Command: tmp_check Useage: tmp_check switchID expression actorID The...
  16. Run

    RMMV - Parameter-based success chance

    I covered something similar on the forum today, thread's called "Probability of Success with Events", sure you can find it easy enough. As for rounding, I believe variables are rounded down by default. Getting the stats of the first character in the party would work best setting it with a...
  17. Run

    Inverting Movement with Event in MV (plugin or script request)

    The disappearing characters is due to inverting the stationary position, which changes to the sprite to the next character down in the default character sheets(I assume there's none, or an empty one below you). Using this if to ignore when the player is stationary should fix it. ( function() {...
  18. Run

    Probability of Success with Events

    Create two variables. I called them probability and checkResult. I set probability to 30, this number is the chance of them performing the action successfully, in this case, a 30% chance. Use an event to set checkResult to a random number between 1 and 100. Use a conditional branch event to...
  19. Run

    How to make a fire??

    I don't know if you already solved this, but I'll post it anyway. Create an event with the firepit as the image. Create a second page for the event and change the image to one with the wood added, give this page a condition for self switch A. Create a third page for the event and change the...
  20. Run


    Hi everyone! I'm a script developer returning from an almost 2 years absence. I thought that was long enough to be posting a new introduction thread, so here it is. I originally got into RPG Maker 10 or so years ago for fun, always had an interest in game development. I eventually moved from...