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  1. Run

    MV Random Loot Awarder

    Run updated MV Random Loot Awarder with a new update entry: Gold and Messages Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Run

    RPG Maker MV Random Loot Awarder - Gold and Messages Update

    New Parameters: Name: gold_received_message Description: The message displayed when the player receives gold. Default value: Obtained Name: gold_lost_message Description: The message displayed when the player loses gold. Default value: Lost Name: no_gold_message Description: The message...
  3. Run

    MV Random Loot Awarder

    @Deezil907 Though both are good ideas, I sadly won't be able to work on this for a few weeks. So for now I would suggest awarding random gold by creating an event as follows. Use the control variables event and set a variable of your choice to a random number between two numbers, eg. between...
  4. Run

    MV Random Loot Awarder

    Run updated MV Random Loot Awarder with a new update entry: MV Random Loot Awarder V1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Run

    RPG Maker MV Random Loot Awarder - MV Random Loot Awarder V1.1

    Item Notes: Adding the following lines to the notes of an item in the database, will make their effects active for that item. tm_loot_exclude Excludes this item from the random loot range. tm_lootc_category The category can be replaced with anything, e.g. tm_lootc_healing, tm_lootc_rare...
  6. Run

    MV Random Loot Awarder

    @Deezil907 Thank you for the feedback. I will implement the exclusion tag, it will be in the notes as tm_loot_exclude. I also plan to implement a "category" feature. Using the category feature, the game developer will be able to add the tag: tm_lootc_category to an item's notes. The category...
  7. Run

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    @Diremane That's correct. I believe this is correct too. However the value of the String "false" is actually the Boolean value true. This is because Boolean() treats anything that is a "Real" value as true and every other value as false. The examples from this page may help you understand it a...
  8. Run

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    @Diremane As far as I know, all the parameters being entered are String values. Boolean(value), Number(value) and so on, are used to change those Strings into other types.
  9. Run

    Plugin parameter returning "true" when set to "false"?

    Solved it. The String false being passed in as a parameter returns true. Most Strings, except maybe an empty one will return true as a boolean. You can solve it by changing var myBounce = Boolean(params['Bounce'] || false); to var myBounce = (Boolean(params['Bounce']) == 'true');
  10. Run

    Howdy folk!

    Sure, I'll be taking a look now then
  11. Run

    Howdy folk!

    Welcome, I'm also new here and new to scripting. Though being a programmer already I feel like I'm progressing quickly. I'd love to help if I can though I'm sure someone more experienced could solve the issue faster. I hope you enjoy it here!
  12. Run

    Hello to Everyone!

    Thanks everyone. The plugin was actually inspired after seeing a video by @Driftwood Gaming This also happens to be the first forum I've ever joined. Still trying to figure out how it all works but it's not too difficult.
  13. Run

    Help with creating plugin commands

    I'm assuming that's how javascript creates objects? It at least seems that way. From what I know of using anonymous code in other languages, it wouldn't be any different than placing it in local scope, in which case may defeat the purpose in some cases. I'll research it, as well as check out...
  14. Run

    Help with creating plugin commands

    I guess that means I should follow the convention of using the dev namespace for all global variables? Or is it possible to make them only accessible in the script which declares them?
  15. Run

    Help with creating plugin commands

    Thank you, changing the alias name fixed it, I was unaware that they couldn't share the same name. Onward goes the scripting!
  16. Run

    Help with creating plugin commands

    So I'm fairly new to scripting, and I just started on a second plugin when I noticed that it collided with my first plugin. It seems that I have implemented plugin commands incorrectly and caused them to call each other, which causes the stack size to be exceeded. Here's the code I used for...
  17. Run

    Hello to Everyone!

    Yeah, it basically lets you give the player a random item within a range from the database, using a plugin command. I'm sure there's plenty I can still add to it.
  18. Run

    Hello to Everyone!

    Thanks for the welcomes! Just finished the first version of my plugin, and it's 4.38am. So worth it.
  19. Run

    MV Random Loot Awarder

    Run submitted a new resource: MV Random Loot Awarder - Allows for random loot to be awarded to the player. Read more about this resource...
  20. Run

    RPG Maker MV Random Loot Awarder 1.2

    This plugin is For Commercial Use. Link backs and crediting are not necessary but would be appreciated. RandomLoot Plugin Provides functionality for giving the player a random piece of loot. Parameters: Name: item_range_minimum Description: The lowest id to use in the range of items from the...