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  1. Wize1

    default map size

    In terms of ratio, scale, etc... How big is the default map size? For example if I kept the default map size for all my maps... would it fit the screen of a 5.0" smart phone screen size proportionately? Surely if someone is playing my game, i want it to take up the entire screen of a computer...
  2. Wize1

    Review My Song, Please

    Hello. I spent all night writing this melody. Please tell me how it makes you feel. What it makes you think about.
  3. Wize1

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Wrote a lullaby. : )
  4. Wize1

    The Theory & Struggle of Devotion

    Nothing to it but to do it.
  5. Wize1

    Wize's Bluelight Lounge (discord)

    Hello. I created a private discord server. It's just a chat room for anyone who likes a laid back, calm, relaxing environment. I hope this isn't considered taking away anything from this forum. I don't mean to do that. I just wanted to make a place for nice people...
  6. Wize1

    Should I not feel special for getting the great downtime trophy?

    Should I not feel special for getting the great downtime trophy?
  7. Wize1

    Music Feedback?

    I like 'Reason'
  8. Wize1

    please give opinion on this style

    Thank you! And yes, I did write it to have a spoken fairy tale theme. Nice thinking! Kind princess. Hm. I think it's because my idea of a princess is stuck up, stubborn, selfish royal member who might say "Ew, you're poor. Get away from me." Regarding what I said about being "good" -- if two...
  9. Wize1

    Music Feedback?

    You have the ability to create effective music. Hot springs and Save the World are more like "sound" or "environment"-- Not very musical. Space age is my favorite.
  10. Wize1

    please give opinion on this style

    I just wrote this and I would like your feedback and opinion. Any thought is welcome. Criticism also. There once was a poor boy who was sad. He walked the streets of town, kicking rocks and watching the people. He only had his grandmother. She loved him, but had nothing else to give him. No...
  11. Wize1

    how far will this amount get me

    All original. Hand crafted, from the mind. Do not need to pay a musician. I will do the soundtrack. Story, dialogue, character design, levels, features, already drafted, just not fleshed and polished.
  12. Wize1

    how far will this amount get me

    I got 2500 dollars to make a game. How far will that get me? I want an example of an established title. Unless 2500 won't do that.
  13. Wize1


  14. Wize1

    Seeking Assistant

    Work for free. It's not as much work as I probably made it sound.
  15. Wize1

    Seeking Assistant

    I need someone who is a good listener. I'm looking for someone who can be passive, will be willing to trust my judgement, and work for me. Also, I need someone who can help me execute somewhat complex events inside of MV. The reason I say I need an assistant is because I am constantly distracted...
  16. Wize1

    Few Questions about

    I've been here a while and I like the sense of family and friendship. I just meant to ask a few questions that have popped up in my head over the course of a year. What is your primary method of advertising this forum, if any at all? Do you consider other forums "competition" ? How do you...
  17. Wize1

    and counting!

    and counting!
  18. Wize1

    Seeking Assistant

    Perhaps it sounds vague. I could probably be more specific... but let's just leave it like that. I am looking for an assistant. Message me if you want to know more.
  19. Wize1


    well you have my respect! haha I'm taking my GED tests and the upcoming math test will probably keep me from passing. : (
  20. Wize1


    I feel like it's man's greatest attempt to dissect the universe! Every time I learn math, I am like-- Yay! I did it. Ok. Now what? It's useless. I have no earthly ambition which would require math. Yet... I spend 90% of my time on a computer. lol