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  1. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Yes! I have found just the solution you need!! First, make two variables : Let's call the first...

    Yes! I have found just the solution you need!! First, make two variables : Let's call the first variable as [Password Set], this is where a password the players set is stored permanently as their storage's password. The second variable should be called [Input Password], this is where the...
  2. kuzuryuu_shiko

    But I've never tried making a conditional number that a player choose, as I often only use a...

    But I've never tried making a conditional number that a player choose, as I often only use a fixed conditional number...hmm, guess I'll try tweaking in this problem for a while XD I'll tell you if I found a solid solution!
  3. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Hmm, if it's numerical password, maybe you can mess with the "Input Number" option below the...

    Hmm, if it's numerical password, maybe you can mess with the "Input Number" option below the "Show Choices" option, that way, the number you input will be connected to a Variable you choose to fill the numbers in...
  4. kuzuryuu_shiko

    That seems to gonna be an awesome one XD did u already have the characters set??? (asking out of...

    That seems to gonna be an awesome one XD did u already have the characters set??? (asking out of curiosity, I'm kind of a fan of X-Men XD)
  5. kuzuryuu_shiko

    We are on the same boat here, dude...It's kinda frustating for me XD

    We are on the same boat here, dude...It's kinda frustating for me XD
  6. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Completed Need Teddy Bear Sprites

    Wait so did you want your teddy bear to have a certain animation, or having a certain pose, or something?? Because if you just want a teddy bear, there's already one in the RTP.
  7. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Mapping(Rivers, Insides, and Outsides)

    Thank you for your response, @Dad3353 . I know that it's all actually depends on my sights, and yes, the rivers were nothing more than a simple accessories for the map, that's why I've been thinking that it shouldn't be in the map at all. Still, the unsurity keeps eating my head up that I keep...
  8. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Mapping(Rivers, Insides, and Outsides)

    I hope I'm posting this in the correct section, this is probably a problem only I can have some struggling at since perspective mapping is not my main ability. I'm sure mappers must have made a village, forest, etc. with a river in it at some point. I, too, happen to made one, so my question is...
  9. kuzuryuu_shiko

    No, not really. I am using the standalone version right now.

    No, not really. I am using the standalone version right now.
  10. kuzuryuu_shiko

    File got broken due to pc crying in the corner of my room :')

    File got broken due to pc crying in the corner of my room :')
  11. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Is social media killing forums?

    Well in my opinion, I still prefer forums than social medias as well, in Facebook and things similiar to that, there's this feeling that people are just getting to know others just to get a name for themselves, but at most forums I can see that people are genuinely talking to each others, I can...
  12. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Good luck to you, my friend >.<

    Good luck to you, my friend >.<
  13. kuzuryuu_shiko

    hello i like anime

    HunterxHunter, ehh....that brings up memories...good timess v^v....anyhooo, welcome to the community @rappyrap2 ^-^ nice to see a fellow animefan >.< Hope we can befriend each other and work together in the future!! :D
  14. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Hi hi

    Woooooow, a lot of senior RPG Makers are joining today, I feel so wimpy ;-; Buuttt that doesn't matter XD Welcome to the community @Jabrol2001 ^-^ It's nice to see a fellow story-writers joining XD And yeah I can feel ya, RPG Making is more fun that I thought it'd be as well XD Hope we we can...
  15. kuzuryuu_shiko


    Hey tharrr @deathez welcome to the community and hope you enjoy your time here! And don't worry about your english, there are alot of foreigners here as well, including me ^-^ so it's not a problem at all. You seem to be a senior in RPG Making than I do XD And ouch, your history of the laptops...
  16. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Hello everyone! :D

    Helloo there @Zazenora ^-^ from the sound of it, you seem to be WAAAAAAY more senioristic than I am XD I've just been starting on RPG Making three weeks ago XD but anyhoo, welcome to the community ^-^ and from the sound of it, you are a hardcore gamer *-* Hi-Five!!! ^-^ Anyhooo(again), I hope we...
  17. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Ello!! ^^

    Ello!! ^^
  18. kuzuryuu_shiko


    Hello @theunknown and welcome to the community ^-^ hope we can be friends and work together! I myself have never made a Harvest Moon game, but maybe I can give you a few helps and tips on making one. First of all. Harvest Moon games requires Farming System, am I right? The simple(but not so...
  19. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Children Body generator parts?

    Ahhh, thank you so much for everyone's support ^-^ I don't know if I can edit pixellations in paint, since I have no knowledge of pixeldraw at all, but I'll at least try. And also thank you @AmazingAvery for the link ^-^ you guy's supports are much appreciated!
  20. kuzuryuu_shiko

    Sadly, I don't have enough motivation to javascript at all :') I...

    Sadly, I don't have enough motivation to javascript at all :') I mean....the...trues...falses....and the's like I'm learning new languanges reading scripts, or maybe its just my lazyness uwu And yeah its near morning alr actually XD