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  1. C. D. Cerda

    Thoughts of a Squirrel King: The 5 Ws of character building.

    Hello everyone, and welcome to my first Thoughts of a Squirrel King post for MV. Today we will be talking about something that has recently come to my attention as a good tool for helping writers to make their characters. This was brought up in a chat by a few other people, but I have used this...
  2. C. D. Cerda

    Just so i never have to hear about how to make facesets ever again...

    Just so i never have to hear about how to make facesets ever again
  3. C. D. Cerda

    The king saw many things from throne, some say he could see all, but he failed to see the deep...

    The king saw many things from throne, some say he could see all, but he failed to see the deep shadows that shrouded his mind.
  4. C. D. Cerda

    I am a squirrel, and I shall here no arguments to the contrary!

    I am a squirrel, and I shall here no arguments to the contrary!
  5. C. D. Cerda

    What Inspires Your Story?

    Many of my games and stories are inspired by three chief sources: FF, Dark Souls, and Persona. I add in various elements from each one, like how most of my main characters are just normal people who get caught up in some crazy event(persona). I like to have well detailed world backstory with...
  6. C. D. Cerda

    Mostly just testing things at the moment. Once I get farther ahead I'm going to size it to 1080...

    Mostly just testing things at the moment. Once I get farther ahead I'm going to size it to 1080 by 720.
  7. C. D. Cerda

    Did some combat testing for an early build of Wish to the Stars...

    Did some combat testing for an early build of Wish to the Stars.
  8. C. D. Cerda

    An apprentice, the one who you have sworn to guide and protect. What would one do to bring them...

    An apprentice, the one who you have sworn to guide and protect. What would one do to bring them back?
  9. C. D. Cerda

    I also like to tease certain things that may, or may not be happening.

    I also like to tease certain things that may, or may not be happening.
  10. C. D. Cerda

    From his throne a king may see many things, but what of his heirs...?

    From his throne a king may see many things, but what of his heirs...?
  11. C. D. Cerda

    A companion from long ago returns in your darkest time...

    A companion from long ago returns in your darkest time...
  12. C. D. Cerda

    Wish to the Stars - Plot ideas and stuff

    Well guys, the votes are in and the poll is over. Time to see just who will be in the game. First, the top four, which will be the party members in the game: In 1st place we have… Cavall, the animal companion! And right behind him in 2nd place is… Galahad, the disgraced knight! Coming in at...
  13. C. D. Cerda


  14. C. D. Cerda

    Greetings to you as well, dcsant. How does this day find you?

    Greetings to you as well, dcsant. How does this day find you?
  15. C. D. Cerda

    The one who will be loyal, always. Even beyond your final breath.

    The one who will be loyal, always. Even beyond your final breath.
  16. C. D. Cerda

    Come see who won...

    Come see who won.
  17. C. D. Cerda

    An hour and a half left for the poll...

    An hour and a half left for the poll!
  18. C. D. Cerda

    Ask a squirrel king

    Chestnut, my dear evil entity. Oh, course. It is on the top of my todo list. Right above creating an army of robotic squirrels.
  19. C. D. Cerda

    Ask a squirrel king

    No. No one can be born a squirrel. Such an existence must be earned through years of living in trees, gathering nuts, and other various activities. Then, one day, you awaken as one. It is a feeling that I cannot describe, and can only be experienced once.
  20. C. D. Cerda

    Ask a squirrel king

    WELCOME LOWER LIFEFORMS! *Cough* I mean - Welcome you lovely people of equal standing! This is my AMA thread, so... ask away i guess.