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  1. C. D. Cerda


  2. C. D. Cerda

    Apply to be apart of the Resource Team!

    -snip- Thanks for pointing that out Amy. Sent the application.
  3. C. D. Cerda
  4. C. D. Cerda

    The Evildoer: Characters and Whatnot

    (Richter Belmont arrives in Dracula's chamber) Richter Belmont: Die monster! You don't belong in this world! Dracula: It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute. Richter Belmont: Tribute!?! You steal men's souls and make them...
  5. C. D. Cerda

    Thanks to everyone who joined the stream. It was really fun, guys.

    Thanks to everyone who joined the stream. It was really fun, guys.
  6. C. D. Cerda

    Gonna stream Star Wars Battlefront in about six minutes.

    Gonna stream Star Wars Battlefront in about six minutes.
  7. C. D. Cerda

    Gonna be streaming in a few minutes.

    Gonna be streaming in a few minutes.
  8. C. D. Cerda

    The adventures have returned! Fallout 4 Adventures part5

    The adventures have returned! Fallout 4 Adventures part5
  9. C. D. Cerda

    Did some AC Chronicles China streaming a few weeks ago. Enjoy...

    Did some AC Chronicles China streaming a few weeks ago. Enjoy.
  10. C. D. Cerda

    Apologies to the stream watchers. Ps4 is goofing on me. Thanks for stopping in though!

    Apologies to the stream watchers. Ps4 is goofing on me. Thanks for stopping in though!
  11. C. D. Cerda I'll be streaming Fallout 4 in about ten minutes. I'll be streaming Fallout 4 in about ten minutes.
  12. C. D. Cerda

    Filled out that map from yesterday.

    Filled out that map from yesterday.
  13. C. D. Cerda

    No harm done. Lol. Actually. I'm liking the movie the more I think about it, that could be...

    No harm done. Lol. Actually. I'm liking the movie the more I think about it, that could be rationalization, or realization, but it's something at least.
  14. C. D. Cerda

    Thanks! I spent about thirty minutes on it, so not everything was detailed, but it's getting there.

    Thanks! I spent about thirty minutes on it, so not everything was detailed, but it's getting there.
  15. C. D. Cerda

    Got bored and expanded the map.

    Got bored and expanded the map.
  16. C. D. Cerda

    Wondering how the new star wars movie was...

    Wondering how the new star wars movie was?
  17. C. D. Cerda

    Still working on my game. Might use this for the world map.

    Still working on my game. Might use this for the world map.
  18. C. D. Cerda
  19. C. D. Cerda

    And here we are, my final wasteland adventures until after the holidays. Enjoy...

    And here we are, my final wasteland adventures until after the holidays. Enjoy!
  20. C. D. Cerda

    Looking for Artists & Mappers

    I may be able to do this as a writer. Just exactly do you mean by quests? Like story line quests, side quests? Will we be writing characters for the quests, or will you be taking care of that? What are possible payments that you are willing to do? Money? Resources? And what kind of game would...