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Search results

  1. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Save Items 1.0

    Name: Save Items Version: 1.0 Author: Mr. Trivel Created: 2016-05-13 About the plugin: Maybe you wanted to have different groups of actors going through story, or maybe the party split up for the next encounter and moving on their own. And that requires the party to remove currently held items...
  2. Mr. Trivel

    Making an attack more powerful if a state is active

    @SlySly, Done easily with damage formula. b.isStateAffected(BleedingStateId) ? Formula That does more damage here : Formula that does less damage here Example: b.isStateAffected(13) ? a.atk * 4 : a.atk * 4 - b.def * 2 More info about damage formulas here...
  3. Mr. Trivel

    Actor Portraits in Battle

    Mr. Trivel updated Actor Portraits in Battle with a new update entry: Small Fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Actor Portraits in Battle - Small Fix

    Version 1.1a - Fix for Actor Command Window when going back to party command window.
  5. Mr. Trivel

    Actor Portraits in Battle

    @zerobeat032, What do you mean shots backwards a bit?
  6. Mr. Trivel


    Mr. Trivel updated Quicksand with a new update entry: Bugfix Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Quicksand - Bugfix

    Version 1.3 - Fixed sinking into tiles that aren't tagged as Bush in database.
  8. Mr. Trivel

    Actor Portraits in Battle

    Mr. Trivel updated Actor Portraits in Battle with a new update entry: Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Actor Portraits in Battle - Fixes

    Version 1.1 - Fixed actor image positions. - Added actor states into windows. - Fixed party window jumping. - Hid Actor Command Window when selecting target.
  10. Mr. Trivel

    Passive Skills

    Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource: Passive Skills - Allows skills to give passive bonuses to actors. Read more about this resource...
  11. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Passive Skills 1.0

    Name: Passive Skills Version: 1.0 Author: Mr. Trivel Created: 2016-05-12 What does it do? Allows skills to give passive bonuses to actors. How to use? Use the following tag on the skills you'd like: <Passive: [STATE_ID]> This means skill will give all bonuses state with that ID gives...
  12. Mr. Trivel

    Select character index in a !$ character

    @LordBones, So, if I understood it correctly, you're trying to change the character's frame to animate the scarecrow? So I wrote a simple new method to change image to the frame of the image. Plugin for the new method being: And I used custom move route...
  13. Mr. Trivel

    No Item Categories

    Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource: No Item Categories - Removes item categories from item menu scene and from shop scene. Read more about this resource...
  14. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker No Item Categories 1.1

    Name: No Item Categories Version: 1.1 Author: Mr. Trivel Created: 2015-10-29 What does it do? Removes item categories from item menu scene and from shop scene. Screenshot: None. How to use? Plug, change parameters in Plugin Parameters if needed, and you're done. Plugin: How to download...
  15. Mr. Trivel

    Weapon Damage Bonus vs. Class Script

    Something like this?
  16. Mr. Trivel

    Damage Efficiency

    Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource: Damage Efficiency - Battlers deal more damage depending on their weapon, element, skill type or overall efficiency. Read more about this resource...
  17. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Damage Efficiency 1.0

    Name: Damage Efficiency Version: 1.0 Author: Mr. Trivel Created: 2016-05-09 What does it do? Allows battlers to deal more damage depending on their weapon, element, skill type or overall efficiency. Screenshot: Nope. How to use? Give note tags to Actors, Classes, Enemies, States, Armors or...
  18. Mr. Trivel

    Book Menu

    Mr. Trivel updated Book Menu with a new update entry: Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Book Menu - Fixes

    Version 1.1 - Fixed a bug with accessing wrong commands. - Fixed a crash with unidentified coordinates.
  20. Mr. Trivel

    Action button with Outside B objects event

    Did you perhaps set the priority on that event to Above characters or Below characters instead of Same as characters?