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  1. Jodis

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I finely got my new area done today. I think i made a mess out of the RTP but I think i improved it. Here take a look.
  2. Jodis

    Type Error from AnimatedSVEnemies

    No problam.
  3. Jodis

    Added a screenshot of Examples for the adv ship.

    Added a screenshot of Examples for the adv ship.
  4. Jodis

    Type Error from AnimatedSVEnemies

    It basically means that the class that should have that property does not exists or the class itself is disposed or is undefined itself. First update all plugins then check that all yanfly's plugins are in the right order. yanfly has his plugins in order that they should be in your plugins...
  5. Jodis

    Tileset I need Opinion and Ideas

    you have real talent here. Keep up the good work.
  6. Jodis

    Tileset I need Opinion and Ideas

    That is wow real good you do better than me i wonder what you could do with a ship.
  7. Jodis

    Jodis's Tree Pack

    Jodis submitted a new resource: Jodis's Tree Pack - Tree Read more about this resource...
  8. Jodis

    Jodis's Tree Pack 2016-06-30

    Tree Pack V1.2 Here are some trees. Some I made and some i fixed. I also added tile for the world map. You can use this for commercial or free games. I used MV Tiles so you will need to own MV to use them. You may edit and re-post. Just give me credit for the originals. Screenshot of all the...
  9. Jodis

    Sage's Art

    try to get me to read a something 20 ft a way not going to happen with out glasses. but up close ya i crocet with thread like thread the size you use for sowing your shirt or fishing line size. the size of the finish peaces would fit on your coffietable from corner to corner. You should have...
  10. Jodis

    Sage's Art

    i started drawing when i was 6yr old mom came in on a raining day and said this reminds me of my mom can you draw this for me so i took a peace of news print paper and colored pencels after i was done and mom saw it he screem "JOHN get in here you need to see this" and dads jaw droped. i had...
  11. Jodis

    Sage's Art

    i painted mt hood here in oregon but ended up puting pencel in becouse of shading so it is a mix of water for base and pencel for shadows.
  12. Jodis

    Sage's Art

    sorry to hear the teacher did that. I also tryed with water color but ended up going back to pencel my self. i like how i could shade better with pencel then paint.
  13. Jodis

    Sage's Art

    my fav is the girl with the bow. overlooking the surounding horizon you have great gift there have you tryed painting yet.
  14. Jodis

    Forgot to add the world tiles to the Adv Ship. If you would like to make a request to add...

    Forgot to add the world tiles to the Adv Ship. If you would like to make a request to add something fell free.
  15. Jodis

    RPG Maker Adv Ship - World Tiles update

    Forgot to add the world tiles to the zip file sorry everyone. I was swamped.
  16. Jodis

    Beds 'n Things

    then you might want to change the prefex from cc to fcu
  17. Jodis

    World A1 Edits

    No problam
  18. Jodis

    World A1 Edits

    You should add some screenshots so they see what it looks like before they download it.
  19. Jodis

    ADV Ship is now done only thing i will update on it is errors it is so big i will and the other...

    ADV Ship is now done only thing i will update on it is errors it is so big i will and the other stuff as new resouces..
  20. Jodis

    Adv Ship

    Jodis updated Adv Ship with a new update entry: Rail update Read the rest of this update entry...