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  1. Jodis

    Jodis's Tree Pack - Jodis's Tree Pack

    Inspiration for the new tree. Also you get the new world tiles.
  2. Jodis

    Boss Chests

    Jodis submitted a new resource: Boss Chests - chest Read more about this resource...
  3. Jodis

    RPG Maker Boss Chests 2016-09-15

    Rpg makers new Boss Chests In game screenshot In game screenshot. How to setup triggers for the large chest. This line will start event 7 page 1. Credit: Jodis You can use this for commercial or free games. I used MV Tiles so you will need to own MV to use them. You may edit and re-post...
  4. Jodis

    Adv Shadows

    it is an example only to show what the shadows look like.
  5. Jodis

    Adv Chest

    Jodis submitted a new resource: Adv Chest - chest Read more about this resource...
  6. Jodis

    RPG Maker Adv Chest 2016-09-09

    Credit: Jodis You can use this for commercial or free games. I used MV Tiles so you will need to own MV to use them. You may edit and re-post. Just give me credit for the originals. Added Directional chests, Breakable Pots and barrels, Opening dresser, Directional chest in shallow water.
  7. Jodis

    Added a new resources Adv Shadows.

    Added a new resources Adv Shadows.
  8. Jodis

    Adv Shadows

    Jodis submitted a new resource: Adv Shadows - Shadows Read more about this resource...
  9. Jodis

    RPG Maker Adv Shadows 1.1

    Here are some advanced shadows. You can set the shadow so that your charas can walk under them. Here is a before and after example. In game example of added shadowing. For more effects you could also add Sinnistar's Light rays
  10. Jodis

    Basic Ship Updated with sails

    In your project folder under img\tilesets then in the editor click on database then tilesets to add them to your game.
  11. Jodis

    holly molly, what is this spam ?

    dont know but i ignorded her and it went a way.
  12. Jodis

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Just finished my tree top area tonight. I think the new gradiant shadows I made make this work so well.
  13. Jodis

    Jodis Tail

    gun on the tail ummm.. might have to try that after all my other stuff is finished.
  14. Jodis

    Jodis Tail

    Jodis updated Jodis Tail with a new update entry: Walking sprite Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Jodis

    RPG Maker Jodis Tail - Walking sprite

    Added the missing left and right faceing walking sprite.
  16. Jodis

    How do you start a new Project

    First things I do are look for plugins and graphics, as an old time user of rpg maker I hate it when I get an idea and half way throug I have to change it becouse of something just came out. So the best thing I can tell you is look at all the resources first. You might just also get a new idea...
  17. Jodis

    Why is tileset and characterset on diffrent positions ?

    Also in vx ace when they walked on a bridge sideways they were not setting on the tile right so it looked off. Rpg maker is set to a 45 degree angle. so any game you make this was it going to need plugins to change the defalt codeing. the boxes you have up are wrong for a platform. if you want...
  18. Jodis

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Was finaly able to get my farm set done. Last night, with my hubbys help i was able to get the water wheel the angle I wanted. I am so exsited about this new set. and the waterwheel is working I had problams with the math so i had to have hubby help me with where to place the wood.
  19. Jodis

    Why is tileset and characterset on diffrent positions ?

    becouse the editor is a 45 angle not a side scroller. If the charas were set the way you want it would look off when walking on a brige.
  20. Jodis

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    thank you i added new shading to the tilesets, it takes up a 4th of tile e, then i turned tile e in to a globle tile and put all items that i was going to it, like my sings rails stuff that i could use inside or out. it works like a charm saves me space time and ram. so you can say i made a...