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  1. cav_dan

    "Now I become Death, destroyer of worlds!"

    "Now I become Death, destroyer of worlds!"
  2. cav_dan

    Plugin Animating Your Battlebacks

    I loved the effect, that can really bring life to some battle scenes. However, I do think the characters moving up and down to be a bit nauseating. Maybe make it reeeaally slow, or not move them at all. Also, please share some of your code! =D
  3. cav_dan

    Question about how things can work out with choices.

    Hey, you don't need to worry even a bit about Javascript (not Java) programming when using RPG Maker. All game choices should be stored via Switches and Variables, which can be set through Events. Those are de building blocks of every RPG Maker game, and programming can be used for low-level...
  4. cav_dan

    Game Resolutions

    The canvas element used by RPG Maker isn't very responsive in itself. Most of the responsiveness is done by the developer himself. That said, I really think you should try to limit your game to the smallest screen possible, growing in size as you get to Desktop computers. Build from the small...
  5. cav_dan


    I was listening to a Brazilian podcast (decrépitos) and got a few book titles you can look for. Before the muses Myths from Mesopotamia. From Oxford Press.
  6. cav_dan


    I'm guessing you should instead write a few scenes with the charcters, see how they react and stuff like that. As for themes, maybe you should research the Mesopotamians. They're a rich culture tha's been dead for 4000 years, most peple don't know much about them. Also, they had Gilgamesh...
  7. cav_dan

    Lack of encryption

    If rot13 can be called encryption, almost anything can... 8)
  8. cav_dan

    Type error help, object is not a function

    So, I found a bit of wise advice on Stack Overflow about this: mainly: var array =[267,306,108]; var largest =Math.max.apply(Math, array);// 306 Try using console.log to get each...
  9. cav_dan

    Lack of encryption

    In all honesty, I don't think a better alternative is bound to be released. I think if someone decides to create a DRM system, they're bound to make it worth their while. Not that there's anything wrong with it. For the browser "problem", I don't even think there should be anything better. The...
  10. cav_dan

    Lack of encryption

    About Javascript security: Javascript is run on a VM on a browser. What MV does is create a HTML document that is loaded via NW.js (former Node-Webkit) and run that doc on a Google V8 Javascript VM under an open-source version of Webkit. That means, you're running it in a browser, on the...
  11. cav_dan

    [Intermediate] Creating A Universal Chatting NPC

    I'll try to find it, but it's in portuguese, so most users here won't be able to enjoy it that much (most of the fun was in the writing and dialogue). UPDATE: So, in all it's buggy gory glory: It takes a while...
  12. cav_dan

    [Intermediate] Creating A Universal Chatting NPC

    I once used a similar approach to create random dungeons on a small game. In the end I used rocks in a maze to create around 20 sets of dungeon floors. Wasn't really all that that great, but was a lot of fun to think of the implementation. I even made a few random puzzles within some of the...
  13. cav_dan

    A Simple COPYCAT Skill using Common Events

    The only problem is every skillset the character can copy is the same. Maybe there's a way to get a list of the enemies he's fighting with? I'll update as soon as I can find out where this is stored in the code. So, the info about the battle is stored in the $gameTroop object. Since the data...
  14. cav_dan

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    Hey, what happens if the objective is in a diagonal? Two arrows light up? Also, I want to try my hands on scripting, care if I try to get this one running? Also also, Persona vibes all over my face!
  15. cav_dan

    Tips about dungeons...

    Two tips I can think of that will make players less troubled by your dungeon design. 1. Never put a dead end that makes the player lose a lot of time back tracking, especially with random encounters. 2. A closed door that needs a key is not a puzzle. You can make exploration fun with good...
  16. cav_dan

    My Art Ideas for My games.

    Wow, I really want to play Water House. In my country, this is a very common problem, and looking at it through the eyes of a child would be really awesome.
  17. cav_dan

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    Hotline Miami devs searched SoundCloud until they found good music for their project. After that, they contacted the artists for permission. Maybe that's all you need
  18. cav_dan

    Javascript 201

    About ES6: You could teach it, but I think the best right now is to use a transpiler like Babel to transform it in actual JS.
  19. cav_dan

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    Jazz soundtrack should be actually easy to find. I don't know if you're intending on selling your game, but if not, I'm sure you can find GuitarPro tabs of Jazz Classics. Those tabs can be converted to midi files pretty easily. You can also just take Jazz songs and compress them a lot (not...
  20. cav_dan

    Converting 5th Edition D&D to RPG Maker MV

    Usually, I prefer to test the players party against the monsters, as that each encounter takes around 15% of the party's resources. However, if you need a conversion, you should use proportions. In my D&D 3e times, the maximum a player character could have in any attribute was 23 (18 from...